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Everything posted by alysam4785

  1. These are so cute! The flower girl card made me wish I had a flower girl to give that too!. And your boarding passes came out very good! They do look very authentic!
  2. these came out very pretty. I was debating on doing something similar but don't know how i feel yet about traveling with all the stuff lol.
  3. So here are our boarding pass std's and vista print pre-travel brochures we sent out this week. Originally I designed the STD in word but my bestfriend is a graphic designer and remade them for me using the logo she did for us. I think she did a great job. We printed them at staples on plain white card stock. They colors came out a little darker than I wanted but I just wanted to get them done so didn't fix it. We cut them with the cutting tool i got at Michael's and a corner punch.The folders with red card stock from AC Moore. Orginally i was trying to be very exact with the folds and a bone folder for the folders but a few in I said who cares and my fiance helped so it was just a rush job lol.To dress it up a little I added brown and tan ribbon. I also made brochures which i got for free on Vista Print to get everyone a little more excited.
  4. So here are my boarding pass std's and brochures. I also put in the credit card form for booking, so my guests would have all the info early. Originally I designed these but then had my best friend who is a graphic designer tweak some things for me. The color red on the actual boarding passes printed too dark at staples but at the point I just wanted to get them sent out so I didn't change the color. Thanks every1 for all the ideas!
  5. so far my experience has been that the Wc are super slow to respond. I of course happened to be working with a WC who no longer works for Palace Resorts and was supposed to be handed off to another WC who never responded to my emails or phone calls. Luckily i have been in touch with another bride who is a member at Palace and she talked to her WC, who emailed me. I believe I am dealing with her now, even though she is super slow to respond. I actually threatened to take my wedding elsewhere because i was so annoyed that they were not responding. I initially requested a contract almost 2 months ago and never got one until like 2 weeks ago. I am now trying to change the wording in it about vendors, and am still waiting to here back! Good Luck, I hope you experience is better than mine!
  6. I'm getting married in Nov. I'm about to send my STDs out soon, def by the beginning of March. I'm planning on getting my invites out at the beginning of June with the RSVP date for Aug 5th ( 3 months prior to wedding) that way I have a final head count a month before i need to get all the final info to my wc.( 60 days out) Is this reasonable?
  7. add me to the list also! I'm getting married November 5th at Beach Palace Resort!
  8. Just emailed him! Hopefully he is available for my date!
  9. uh oh now you have me nervous too! My wedding is 11/5/11 and i don't have a photographer yet either because I'm waiting on an amendment to contract stating i can use outside vendors. I was also talking to La Luna and originally they were available for that date, but I haven't been in touch for a while and never formally reserved that date since i didn't think it would take so long for my contract to get squared away.
  10. These look amazing! Did the inside pages have the background image as part of a template or did you search these images as well ?
  11. haha im taking on a lot of DIY projects too but my best friend is a graphic designer so i use her eye to tweak things for me lol.
  12. I'm also getting married at Beach Palace in November. Congrats, your wedding is so close now! How has your experience with your wedding coordinator and everything else been so far?
  13. For those of you who have gotten married recently at Beach Palace and used outside photographers, how did you go about it? Did you just buy a day pass and it was fine or did you get it written into your contract? I'm trying to get it written in currently, so any tips?
  14. AMH i am too super frustrated with the wedding coordinator situation for Beach Palace. Originally I was in contact with Pilar, and she left palace resort a few weeks ago. Once she left I was supposed to be handed off to Lorena. Lorena hasn't once responded to the 4 emails( maybe more) I sent her and few vms i left. After complaining a few times I think i'm now dealing with Lisa Lizano. She also doesn't respond promptly and recently finally responded after threatening to take my wedding elsewhere if noone would answer my questions about my contract. I'm also booking through a member on this site so I'm not sure who I need to be in touch with anymore. I still haven't even gotten my contract squared away even though it was request almost 2 months ago. Pilar dropped the ball and never sent it to me. Now I'm trying to negotiate the vendor policy on my contract so I'm waiting for the "request" that Lisa put in for me so that the use of outside vendors being allowed will be written into my contract. Anyone have these issues? Please PM if you have more info!
  15. These are super cute! I'm also "borrowing" this idea and adding yet another thing to my DIY list haha. Thanks for the idea!
  16. Ok I'm just about to start on my passport invites, and yours make me excited to get started! Your wedding is on my birthday! Congrats on the wedding its coming soon! Your Invitations look great!
  17. If that's your first attempt then good for you!!! I made like 500 attempts and was way too picky about it, so i had my bestfriend who is a graphic designer make a few changes to mine. Yours look realllly good! Very pretty!
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