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Everything posted by LovesJakeyPoo

  1. So I got this "cool" etching cream bc I didn't like any labels i saw...I thought they made it look cheesy....I have been so upset about this crappy product that either gets smeary or doesn't show up all the way and is ruining my bottles ( I spent 70$ BTW for stencil and product =( ) I have been in such a rut because of this BUT seeing your invites jenn have inspired me again!! I love your label and I hope you don't mind but I'm going to replicate it for my bottles it's the only label I've liked so far! I have shaken off the $$ loss and I thank you so much for posting your pics! I have gas back in my tank after almost defeat! also I love the wording on your invites...jake didn't want anything too poemy but he liked your cute little poem and we have come to a compromise!
  2. Has anyone noticed a pref. to the lanyard (yay i know the name now!) vs the coils?
  3. oooh nevermind I see =) thanks for the pics very inspiring!! good job!
  4. Ohhh my colors are pink and blue where did you get the neck thingys...ummm lol idk what they are called clearly =)
  5. What colors can you do? does it have to be pearl? interested but would like to see more example =)
  6. My colors are Watermelon pink and blue yet to be determined depends on what works out....kinda hard to plan colors when you don't know what's available on the resort! maybe i'm not understanding something....i knew i wanted pink and he wanted blue so I just based the shade of pink on whatever BM dresses we found...lol
  7. Also we were wondering what your suggestion would be to avoid this
  8. My FI was asking me exactly what happened with the billing...did guests not pay their rooms how did this all come about and was it Marlyn or some other person's responsibility to get this straight?
  9. Thanks for the help it's finally coming together...I was going to etch them spent 70$ on stencils etc but the product is crap!! ....now i'm making labels...kinda bummed about the $$ but on the brighter side the labels will be much faster
  10. I have her and now I'm concerned I will talk to my FI and Travel agaent ASAP thanks for the heads up and let us know how that all plays out~
  11. Thanks Guys!! It's so hard when your MOH doesn't like the dress....makes meeh doubt myself!! Thanks Ladies I will be rocking my Adorae Rose It has that wow factor that the other doesn't! Altho I must admit I'm a bit jealous you found a light weight similar gown...i'm gonna be sooooo hot! LOL thanks again ladies =)
  12. Man! I'm more of a spectator....lol looks like I need to get out there and get posting!!
  13. OMG! I'm in love with your kit sticker!! I can't swee the template tho! you mind emailing it to meeh? love love love!! thanks!
  14. I totally fell in love with this dress....and bought it....lol but now I'm having dress regret!! I was torn between this dress and a more casual ruffle mermaid dress. My maid of honor was in love with the ruffle dress and I agree it was more beach appropriate. But I LOVE this dress!!! I was already afraid it was a bit too formal for my beach wedding and then they went and moved my wedding from 4 to 2!!! My maid of honor just told me that she told me so.....what do you think? can you overdress for you're own wedding??
  15. Decided to go with the Hard Rock punta cana!!! the incentives were just too good to pass up! the reviews seem to be getting better as well! My date is set for March 02, 2012....so excited!!!
  16. I've got all the goods and am ready to start putting this DIY project in action! However I'm having a major brain block on what the scroll should say. Also what inserts should be added for this destination wedding I'm having two receptions one at the resort and one when we arrive we also have a travel agent we would like our guests to go through...just wondering if anyone has any cute ideas on inserts for this? We are planning on having people RSVP online through our website...is this tacky? Thanks!
  17. I did both we did Boarding passes as our STD's and I am now starting the MIBs! The shipping is really expensive so we are planning on hand delivering as many as possible
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