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Everything posted by merrylee

  1. FYI the terrace is a beautiful spot on the lagoon. Search the Beach Palace reviews for pictures one bride had it there. Check it out just to at least ease your tension
  2. I agree everything doesn't have to match. I ended up with pink bridesmaid dresses because I am doing all shades of pink and black as my theme. It's your day celebrate it your way.
  3. Glad to hear that everything is starting to come together for you.
  4. Thanks I actually just got it yesterday, it's so pretty! Totally excited about wearing it
  5. What an awesome tribute and honor to both your grandparents. I got a little misty eyed. I think it's perfect
  6. Agreed, set the rules early and pick a handful of dresses that you like and then let them choose. If you don't care if they wear the same dress then they can pick the one they feel looks best on themselves.
  7. Tough choices all of them. FI and I didn't pick our MOH or BM until we knew who wanted to be involved. I didn't want to ask first and have the expectation of them going. We ended up choosing his sister and her husband because even though they work nights when we needed help with their invites they woke up early and helped. I think that you both need to talk to your MOH and feel it out. You'll honestly know what is right in heart after that conversation. Soon2b, you are rightfully angry but based on your choices above you feel most passionate about stripping her of the title. I would just ask if she even WANTS to be MOH or if she would prefer another option.
  8. Definitely # 2 for a summer wedding! It's fun and if you post the girls on both sides you get a different view of the dress
  9. Yay so happy for you Beach, congrats on being a Mrs. Can't wait to see pictures and read your review!
  10. Welcome to all the new MP Brides. So excited to have you here. I am coming up on 9 months to go! I can't believe it. I look forward to sharing in all your excitement Congrats and happy planning
  11. I haven't had any real big problems with Michelle either, and I don't get married until next April, but she gave me access to an onsite lady since I have been asking really explicit questions about the packages and flowers and EVERYTHING that she can't answer.
  12. Welcome Roxy, congrats on having your date and resort set
  13. We started dating on August 17th. FI proposed on December 17th so logically we chose the 17th. We chose April 17, 2012. My birthday is the 21st so if you reverse the twelve you get 21 and FI's birthday is the 4th so 21-4=17. It's meant to be
  14. what an amazingly fun thing to do. Thanks for sharing.
  15. Welcome and congrats to all the new brides It is so exciting to see everyone find their dream resort and start the planning process. The resort search really is difficult but I trusted my heart and am so glad I picked the Moon Palace.
  16. Thanks Star, if only I can find a little brooch for my dress I'd be happy
  17. This weekend may be wedding free because we have to clean house after our last DIY adventure Plus family is coming to visit and FI likes to collect stuff along the way and not put it away
  18. Welcome Vbbbtk. So exciting to have another Midwest Bride How is your planning coming along?
  19. I got my hair flower on etsy, I too didn't really get the appeal of it until I knew what I wanted/needed from it The seller is Weegardens
  20. Isn't it amazing to see the number of days just dwindle away. I love it. What is everyone working on now?
  21. Okay today makes it officially 299 days till I am a Mrs. I know it is ridiculous that I know this but my wedding website counts it down for me I am so excited because we started planning with way over 400 days, and now it's less than 300 How many days until YOU are a Mrs?
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