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Everything posted by merrylee

  1. I think you have to arrive on the Friday, I believe it is 3 full business days and they do not include Sunday's and you have to arrive before noon or something like that in order for it to be considered a full business day.
  2. We were just in Cancun in October 2010, the resort we stayed at is behind locked gates, people not staying at that resort are not allowed on it's premises unless a day pass is purchased. My dad lives in S Texas he will not cross over Mexico in his border town, but he is flying to Cancun. I
  3. Witches of Eastwick = Cher
  4. I LOVED the Beach Palace, but since FSIL got married there I realized that I wanted something a little different for my dream wedding, but I definitely want to go hang out there one day because the staff there is A MAZING. Pool Bartender named Christian, he's the BEST so cute and totally came to say goodbye to my FMIL because he knew what time she was leaving and he made sure to say goodbye before his shift....
  5. Hi All, We are planning an April 2012 wedding in Cancun/Riviera Maya at the Moon Palace. We've been engaged for just over a month. The first 2 weeks were spent bouncing back and forth between DW and AHW. There are things about both that I loved and I didn't know if I could combine the feeling of a DW at home so here we are. I'm crazy obsessed with all the information that I am able to bring into my already overridden brain from here, this place is an amazing find and I honestly do not know where I'd be if I hadn't found this site. We are hoping to get married April 17, 2012, and since we've had such a short engagement thus far we have to wait until we can save enough money to put down the deposit etc...hoping to do that by the end of this month. *pray for us* I can't wait to get to know my fellow April 2012 brides and share our experiences. Happy Planning and Happy Marriages to all of you
  6. I am using mywedding.com too. I am using it in conjunction w/my site for my TA. I liked that I could have my own personal space and my TA wouldn't be able to see it. Plus I am totally using it as a pre travel RSVP because I honestly only want to put the people on my guest list on the TA site who are showing interest. I don't want to bombard people with wedding stuff when they aren't interested. Ya know? http://www.mywedding.com/klikawedding It is not finished yet,but I love how I can keep updating it and posting it to facebook
  7. This is a super cute idea, I am actually putting flip flops in the OOT bags because I am not sure how big the reception will be, but that is totally a super cute idea.
  8. You will have an amazingly beautiful time, and the experiences you will be able to share with this group of people will bond you together more than you know. Enjoy every second and I can't wait to hear about it.
  9. It's your wedding, and you should have it your way. The dress and everything isn't for everyone else it is for you and your HTB. Remember that your wedding is about you and not about your guests, and plan it accordingly. Wish I would remember that sometimes
  10. I couldn't agree more with everyone. My FSIL got married in Cancun October 2010 and there was 14 of us including them. Now we didn't spend every waking moment together but we still spent A LOT of quality time together which is the main reason we decided to go the DW route. It was the most awesome experience. We ate every meal together etc.... Now *our* wedding may or may not be bigger but either way I am going to love it. I have 3 couples willing to put a deposit down and we'll have to see how it turns out. We haven't sent out STD's yet or anything, but I do have a pretravel RSVP telling them what I expect the cost to be about and what I need from them. So 3 couples RSVP'd there. We are doing a larger resort so that if you don't want to be with us 100% if the time you don't have to be. You will have an amazing wedding and enjoy every second with the ones who could make it.
  11. I think that makes me feel better and not start doubting our choices. It took me 2 weeks of bouncing back and forth about whether or not we should have a DW at all. I have a very small family of 8 people and 6 probably won't be able to go because that is my brother and his family. Since we will be doing an AHR I can survive not having all of them there, but I still feel a bit sad too. Everyone thinks that having a DW will be easy and they don't have a clue about the other stresses that we get to deal with.
  12. That sounds beautiful, I can't wait to see pictures. I am doing blush pink with accents of orange and another color. I am not huge fuscia fan so I didn't want to go the bright pink route, but I do love pale pinks and since it's tropical I didn't want to go chocolate brown so I am tossing in some oranges as accents.
  13. Vista Prints is awesome! Totally addicted, and I think I have less than 60 more posts to be able to view view view. Yay!
  14. I swear when he and Sandra were married he said the same exact things about her. He needs to get some new material
  15. It helps to know that I am not alone either so thank you. We've only been engaged for a little over a month and I'm not stressed or anything but I do have a feeling that once I can cement the date I will be able to actually start sending out invitations etc and then it will become more real. At least I hope so
  16. Empire Records = Maxwell Caulfield
  17. What a great review! Thank you for taking the time to put us new MP brides minds at ease. Your wedding was beautiful
  18. I know that I will be having a destination wedding. I know that it will be at the Moon Palace, I know that I will be with Tom forever, but I still don't feel like it's really happening. Will it feel real once we cement a date? Will it feel real when the first guest officially puts a deposit on the room? Will it feel real when I am walking down the aisle? Will it feel real during the planning? I'm so blessed to be able to spend my forever with the one person who taught me what love is. The one person who sings me songs about every little thing in our lives. I am blessed to marry the man that does a dance to the ipad commercial song that always makes me love him more. Am I having fun getting to know you all and starting the planning of our dream wedding? Heck yes, but it still feels surreal. Like it is happening around me and not to me. When did it start to feel real for everyone? Was there a defined moment or did it feel real right when the ring was put on?
  19. merrylee

    2012 Bride

    This site definitely is amazing and so helpful. Everything still seems so daunting but I feel that I will continue to feel this way until we confirm the dates and everything
  20. I am using them as well, and I loved the thought of them, I am not sure that my planner is the right planner for me. She is super responsive, but I believe that English is her second language and that my questions may not always make a lot of sense. What I will say that they will try to match rates or refund your $50.00 deposit. Now since I am planning so far in advance I am having issues pulling the trigger, but I will keep researching rates and everything. I am going to do the group rate at a minimum of 10 rooms and hope that they all get reserved so the group rate can be booked for all my guests. I am sticking with them as I want one point of contact and someone who can negotiate with the hotel on my behalf
  21. he's just so wrong on a million different levels
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