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Everything posted by merrylee

  1. I don't really think I'm a fan of either and I am definitely not a huge Brad fan either. Although I guess I'd say I've been a fan of Angelina's longer ever since Hackers. But again they are both so very different that I like them in the roles that they play. And I HAD to see Mr & Mrs Smith only because I loved the plot line,
  2. merrylee

    2012 Bride

    Congrats Sharon hope you have a blast planning
  3. Kristen Bell = When in Rome
  4. Magenta, that is a deeper pink right? Where fuschia ( or however you spell it ) is a bright pink, magenta is a deeper version slightly more purplish?
  5. I saw Luggage tags like these at Michaels and I wanted to get them but FI was like we are sending out over 50 STD's and I was like Oh YEAH! But I think that I still might do something like this for our confirmed guests as a pre-travel treat.
  6. June11Bride, I swore I wouldn't enjoy the Kindle but I do love mine and I still crack open books too Maybe it has to do with the 500 books on my TBR but they will get read eventually. I'm in the middle of a book depression right now. I think since getting engaged I haven't just sat down to read anything except this website. Of course I just found this little jewel of a corner today so I am totally excited about that. I run a yahoo book group and I've been MIA from there for too long I miss books
  7. Is it too late to join in? If not here goes and if so sorry The Hunger Games, I really was surprised with how much I liked this trilogy. I was even more surprised with how strong it was for a teen audience. These were not light reads and there were some pretty heavy choices to be made. However, I think it did show that kids are more aware of the issues than adults may think they are. And THE KITE RUNNER was a beautiful book as well, I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did and I look forward to what you all think about it.
  8. yeah I was having a hard time choosing between Dreams and the Palace Resorts, we ended up choosing the Moon Palace because it offered so much to our guests and didn't limit them to spending every second with us if they chose not to
  9. We are going the DW route because my FSIL got married at the Beach Palace in October 2010 and we really valued the quality time we got to spend with them while we were there. Plus we were blessed to be able to take their pictures so it gave us a unique insight into the process and a different experience than any other guests. One day sitting in the pool we all started talking about if FI and I would ever consider a DW and I said yeah we were actually talking about the experience and how cool it was. FSIL and FBIL were like we are in no matter when no matter where. Fast forward 2 months we get engaged and although it took me 2 weeks of floundering we are having a DW wedding. We get engaged 12/17 they announce they are preggo 12/25 and I was so upset because I figured they wouldn't want/couldn't go. We were told that it didn't matter they would be there no matter what. That just cemented the decision for me. As much as this is about us, I want to share it with the people that love us enough to travel with us to celebrate. FI wants to have an AHR and I am not really sure the lengths that I want to go to, but we'll see. I love that I will be having quality and quantity time to spend with everyone and not just the 5 minutes to say hello to a whole table.
  10. yeah i would like to know if this is still active too it's such a cute idea
  11. merrylee

    150 posts!

    you have 48 it is in the right hand corner of every post you make
  12. Yeah if I let my TA convince me I'd probably be getting married at a resort that I didn't ask about or know about. She was so eager to sell it to me and I could feel her selling it, so I decided to stick with my original choice because it is where my heart was
  13. I think I am one of the lucky ones. He wants to be involved and will do anything I ask of him, but it has to be like an eye doctor's appointment. Only 2 choices at a time. Do you like this one or this one? And then get the 3rd choice in after he picks one of the first 2. He gets overwhelmed by too many choices. He's that way with everything though. My inspiration board has a pink shirt for him to wear and he's like you really want me to wear a pink shirt? And I said no but I wanted to see if you were really looking at it or just saying looks nice. Ha! He wants to be involved, but only when I tell him to be.
  14. Welcome and congrats on your engagement Happy Planning, I look forward to hearing all about it.
  15. merrylee

    150 posts!

    I have to say that I am getting to my 150 a heck of a lot faster than I thought I would, but this site is just so awesome and there is just sooo many amazing people, places and things here that I just keep finding more. Even without being able to download, being inspired by everyone here is awesome
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