Tom and I met on eharmony, yes it worked for us Our first meet was August 17, 2005 and our first date was the 19th black light mini golf. Where we got the exact same score. Meant to be right? Fast forward 64 months, December 17, 2010, and yes we do celebrate our "month"iversary every month. We goofy that way. He picked me up at work to go to dinner with 17 long stem red roses, should have been the "duh" moment but he does that stuff for me all the time so I didn't really think anything of it. We pull into the restaurant and he says hey do you want to go play miniature golf and I was like sure. The mini golf place was behind the restaurant. Only 1 problem the place is closed. Locked up nobody home. FI was so upset about this, and I didn't understand why until later. He had to come up with a plan B on the fly. I take pictures of everything and our dinner reservations were at the Melting Pot for Fondue. i never had fondue before so I was taking random pictures, and they had made us a yin/yang chocolate fondue for dinner which looked like a yin/yang sign. So there i was taking pictures of that and he tells me there is one thing that i haven't taken a picture of tonight and he pulls out the ring box. I don't remember what all was said but I know he asked me to marry him. But the sweetest part is that on my childhood dresser I had put a sticker that says "A BIG EVENT" on it. Tom always teases me about what was so big that I put a sticker on my dresser and for honesty purposes I am a girl and I had stickers so I stuck it there, but since he teased me about it relentlessly I told him that when he proposed to me it would be "A BIG EVENT" and he was no longer allowed to bring up that sticker until he did propose. If he did I was allowed to punch him in the arm as hard as I could. After he put the ring on my finger he flipped the box over and there it was the same sticker that I had stuck on my dresser however long ago, marking our engagement as "A BIG EVENT" forever. His original plan was to propose to me on the 17th green of miniature golf since the 17th is our anniversary etc etc etc...I have to say I love plan B, but I love that he practiced getting down on one knee to do plan A right.