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Everything posted by merrylee

  1. we will be there the 12th through the 26th I believe. So exciting.
  2. That's awesome Mishi! It really does seem that everything is falling into place. And See, yeah it is totally crappy out today. I found my Aloe at Target today so I am happy about that it was one of the final pre OOT bag items that i wanted to have in hand. So now the rest is just the run stuff, like mugs and the bags themselves etc...I had been buying things when I found a deal, so I am pretty set now on kit stuff. My goal is to have everything done by January 1 so that I can enjoy the last 4 months without too much stress except for packing and the final details.
  3. According to my TA, the MP typically puts room blocks on the sunrise side, but I don't know how accurate that is or even if we can request a side. Honestly the resort is amazing, and I am just glad that I get to be married there And definitely, I feel like I am going to have to haunt all my April Brides weddings while I am there Such an amazing experience to have, but to be able to share it with all of you makes it even better.
  4. Well, FI and my first date was mini golfing so we really want to have a mini golf tournament after the ceremony and before dinner so we are hoping to have the ceremony at the Bugambilia Gazebo because like you said there really is no where to go wrong, but the closeness to the mini golf has us leaning towards that one. Plus it has a shorter walk for me. I'm kind of a klutz so I don't think I want the long walk of Tucan. Who knows The rest to me is just icing. I will be in paradise with my husband for 14 glorious days, what can be wrong with that.
  5. Thanks! Okay ladies it is cold and rainy in Milwaukee and I'm feeling rather blah. What aspect of your planning are you currently working on? We are working on our MIB invitations. We are working on aging the map invites so they look like they have been traveling for quite a while. We are also trying to come up with a scent for the bottles. I wish I could find a coconut scent but Michaels didn't have any.
  6. Definitely! Thank you to everyone who has found the pictures for us and posted them.
  7. Romance- Nora Roberts has a wedding quartet out now Vision in White, Bed of Roses etc... The Other Boleyn Girl by Phillipa Gregory Harry Potter is an excellent choice, one of my favorites Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh
  8. Everything looks amazing Brandy. Congratulations and enjoy every moment
  9. I am so sorry to hear that, I wish there was a way for you to still have your AHR but without those people who would ruin it for you.
  10. Kelly your site looks great, mine is still in development. Pieces keep getting added or updated. We just had our first guest book this week and now it officially feels real. We are in the process of trying to pick our location for the ceremony. Please take a look at our site and let me know if there is anything I should change. www.mywedding.com/klikawedding Thanks much
  11. Pretty Woman=Hector Elizondo
  12. I love seeing pictures of the resort it's just makes it start to feel even more real.
  13. I think unfortunately that most of us have gone through something like that with a friend at some point. So I have a question, my FSIL got married last October at the Beach Palace and her and her husband kept making comments about how they don't think a full length gown is appropriate for a destination wedding. I haven't decided what kind of dress I want but that comment still sticks out in my head and I am afraid that it is going to influence my choice. How do you get that niggling thought out of your head?
  14. I am so sorry to hear this too I think you truly learn who your friends are when planning any kind of wedding but especially a DW. Well now you have all of us fabulous new friends she doesn't know what she's missing.
  15. My TA comes from destinationweddings.com as well, and she's not my first one. I had to change because I didn't feel like the one I had knew anything about the MP. Plus for me the TA becomes a part of my family because all of my guests will book through her, and I want to make sure that she can answer all of their questions. My new TA is awesome, and is very familiar with the MP. My contract with MP has the promotion written into the contract for 2012 even though the haven't announced their 2012 promotions. So I will get the benefits of this years promotion. JL I would suggest emailing Amber Hughes about what you are experiencing and seeing if talking with her and changing TA"s could work for you or if it is even worth it to you. I think in general TA's are either hit or miss, I wanted someone that knew my resort and the rules of said resort.
  16. You can also point your guests to the US Embassy in Mexico if they are concerned. I've heard other brides do the same here is the link http://www.usembassy-mexico.gov/eng/eacs_hours.html
  17. If you signed the contract it says they will not accept outside vendors etc...they will not change the contract, but they did email that I could have an outside vendor if I paid the day pass. Here's the thing, photography is probably the biggest expense a bride pays and they want those funds. If you choose to have your photographer be an outside vendor I would suggest having them speak with the hotel directly before you book with them to see what the hotel tells them. I know that there is post somewhere from Matt Adcock of Del Sol who contacted MP directly I think this year. Luckily I don't have that problem because my photographer is coming with us but when I wasn't sure, I refused to sign my contract if I couldn't use outside vendors. It's a sucky situation I wish we had more control in regard to getting these answers today rather than 30 days before the wedding
  18. First thing we did is decide to have a DW and then decide on the resort. The date was kind of always there once we got engaged so that never seemed to be an issue. So far...we ordered business cards with our travel agents sites, and as a pre STD so we could share the news with everyone before we officially knew all the details. Free from VP I have ordered my Photosharing oversized Post Cards Free from VP Pens-Free from VP Year to Go Postcards Free from VP Tshirts Free from VP to wear on the plane, along with my Bride and Just Married Hats from VP free Address labels for all of our pre wedding mailings and the post wedding ones, all free from VP (VP ROCKS) I just ordered my RSVP cards from VP, and I had to order baby shower invites for my FSIL and nephew, and there was that deal announced for the $10.00 for $50.00 on VP so my RSVP cards with envelopes (qty 60) only cost me $1.51 plus shipping. VP has been my saving grace, I was going to make my own but with that deal I could not pass it up. Items for OOT bags (i've only bought things that I can use in my real life if I bought too many) Hand Sanitizer B&BW Carried Away lotion travel size, they had it for $1.00 a bottle Loofahs for the ladies Suduko Puzzles Pencils Pony Tail holders for the ladies Emory boards Blistex Decks of Cards So then we designed and mailed the STD's, I have our prewedding newsletter almost finished just have to print it and mail it. We ordered our bottles for the invitations, just bought the paper, have to finish researching how we want to create our MIB invites work on getting those mailed in the next 2 months. I don't want to feel rushed, I want to have as many of the details done in advance so that it doesn't start to feel like a chore. I've researched my bouquet and jewels kind of browsing dresses online but i hate my arms so I don't even want to look until I feel comfortable The rest is kind of waiting for the items that I know that I want to go on sale so that I can get them cheap. Wow, I should pretty feel good about myself right about now because all me prewedding including invites and STD's and everything above, we have spent less than $400.00 on our wedding so far. That is absolutely amazing. I'm just going to sit here in stunned amazement. You ladies all rock so hard for inspiring me.
  19. i look at the amazing photographers that you can get in Mexico and the pics are A MAZING but part of having a DW is not having the massive cost for us, i mean we will still spend the same on a wedding but we will get a honeymoon out of it as well, and a longer celebration so IMO it is totally worth it, but I can't see dropping over 5 grand on my wedding photos, I wouldn't even do that if I did a home wedding...although the pictures are amazing.
  20. We are bringing someone with us, and I am really happy with that decision. Photography is really important and I want it to be someone that knows us as a couple
  21. bourne identity=franka potente
  22. What are you guys doing about photography? Hiring one to bring with you or hiring one at your location? I think we've decided to hire locally and bring him with us. Of course he is a friend so we had to debate the finer points of we want him to be a guest but...
  23. Anne Hathaway=Ella Enchanted
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