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Everything posted by merrylee

  1. Yeah I don't want want to wear long sleeves but I want options but I loved Pippa's dress especially the necklines
  2. That is a smart idea I might have to do a deadline date for the initial deposit because we have that problem where peole say yes yes but don't book
  3. Thanks ladies when I get home I will write up the instructions
  4. Mocha thanks so much for the pix of the arcade we are so excited about that I can't wait to see your wedding pix
  5. Thanks so much, me too How fast did time fly for you Beach? It is cruising for me.
  6. Welcome AAHQ! So exciting. Where are you going to be getting married?
  7. He's definitely a keeper. He's really involved in all the design elements of the wedding. I love how involved he is.
  8. I am so looking forward to your review to Mocha Congrats again. So I need your opinions ladies, we are in the process of making our MIB invitations, can you go check out my post here and let me know that they are okay. I need the opinions of people who aren't FI or myself http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/72734/merrylee-s-diy-mib-invitations#post_1594216 Thanks so much, I am getting excited because I want them out by mid May.
  9. FI HAD to have MIB invitations, it was a must for him. So cute about it. We are only done with the actual paper invite portion of it, and I was hoping for some opinions. I love them but I am a bit biased of course. He wanted MIB invites, and I didn't want them to just be rolled up paper in a bottle with some sand. I wanted a story to go along with it. Attached in the .pdf is the non modified version of how it looked printed, and the picture is how they turned out when we roughed them up and aged them a bit. Let me know what you think. invitation.pdf
  10. Hi All, how is everyone's planning going? We sent out our year to go postcards April 15th. And we are in the process of working on our invitations Attached is the unaged version and a picture of the aged versions What do you think? invitation.pdf
  11. I thought her dress was beautiful and I was excited to see a sleeved dress only because it might give more options to someone like me who doesn't necessarily like the arms and shoulders that would be seen in a strapless gown. So *maybe* there will be options for me now.
  12. How is everyone's planning coming along. We just started working on our invitations. We are doing MIB invites, we just finished aging the invitations, and I think this upcoming week we'll be working on rolling and putting them in the bottles along with the other little things we are putting in them.
  13. I still have my brochure from when I was there in October so if no one responds before I get home from work I will let you all know.
  14. I have my room block, but I didn't pay for my entire stay because my TA offers interest free payment plans.
  15. We aren't having a bridal party, we are considering all of our guests part of our bridal party. We don't want anyone to go to our wedding out of obligation, which is how FI's dad isn't going. Plus it was an added drama that neither one of us wanted to deal with. The people who love us the most will choose to be with us and that is what matters to us.
  16. Welcome Nicole, I had the luxury of attending my FSIL wedding at the Beach Palace in Cancun last October. FI and I decided right then that DW was probably the way we wanted to go. We didn't want to do the same resort as we like texture so palm tree, grass, etc...so we stayed in the same resort family and chose the Moon Palace Resort. It was important to us to do the AI thing because it would allow us the opportunity to have our guests know how much money they need to spend before going there and getting sticker shock. I hope you find the resort of your dreams, and happy early engagement.
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