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Aussie Bride

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About Aussie Bride

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  1. i love the pashmina and cigar idea. boys always love a cigar for a special occasion!!
  2. so freakin cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! just the funniest and sweetest animals ever!!!!!!!!!
  3. they are all gorgeous!! thanks for sharing the FI ring. my FI doesnt have a clue what he wants!!
  4. everything is beautiful!!! it is just my taste also!! i think the blue tablecloth is so different and very effective!
  5. brown sash would look lovely with the ivory but the detail in the dress is so amazing im sure u wouldnt need anything
  6. I love it-especially the skirting! the layering is gorgeous!
  7. its so funny how many stories u hear about the boys trying to get the ladies out to some outdoor destination but the girls never want to go for one reason or another!!! hhahahaha usually somthing to do with hair! my friend just got married on the beach yesterday and it rained all through the ceremony. it was still beautiful and noone even seemed to really care
  8. Id seen how people put websites to get evryone to download pics but i definately prefer the flashdrive idea. much easier!
  9. simple and elegant. I really dont think u need too much because everyone will be too busy having a ball!
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