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Everything posted by baileybride2b

  1. Hey Brandy, I ordered them from Kustom Koozies....and I had asked to have them shipped by Feb 10 because I was leaving out of town....not true, I just wanted to leave time for any issues. Well I hadn't received a shipping email by Monday so I called them and asked and the lady said the black Koozies were on back order but were coming in that day and she would express post them to me by Thursday....it's Thursday and I just got the email saying they're in. I will for sure send pics tomorrow. FI works out of town 1 wk on and 1wk off, so me and our son are picking him up from the aiport, so I don't think I'll be on here much more for today.... HAPPY SHOPPING LADIES!!!!! How everyone's workout progress going???? PM me if you have any personal trainer/nutrition questions!!
  2. The Emily cover up is out of stock till May 2011!!!! So it doesn't look like us April girls will have the chance to pick one up!! LAME
  3. First of all....you girls cleaned up the stock for VS!!!!!! The next 'expected shipping' is 5/11....so there goes that idea. damn!!! Oh well maybe I should give my cc a break for a bit. lol Brandy and anyone else looking for travel aAloe's I found mine at Walmart for $1 each. Lisa...I hate family drama too.....FI mother is a user and very negative. We were going to pay for her trip (because she somehow couldnt save up the $$, although we pay for a ton of sh$% for her). Her response was 'well don't put me in a room with Janice' (my FIL wife of 15 yrs) because that's what we would have done...I mean come on!! Anyway she nvr thanked anyone at all and was compoletely negative about evertyhing to do with it....so we told her we couldn't get her a room anymore. She is an evil woman...I would never do anyhting like that, except she would have been going for the wrong reason, and she would have ruined my and FI's big day! So some sacrifices have to happen in order for it to be a happy day. I know this sounds cruel but if you knew how she treated us you would all think very different. On brighter note, I get to pick up my koozies from the states today...yay...although to be honest, I don't feel so wonderful because of Brandy situation, I feel so bad it's almost hard to be happy for mine.
  4. Okay so here's a pic of my bouquet....what do you guys think??? I am pretty excited that they are able to do this, I just found the pic and sent it to them. She said it shouldn't be a problem at all. Lisa. Those are Awesome!!!! Love em!!
  5. Hey everyone, I remember someone posting their pictures on here a little while ago...I loved her pictures of the akumal hammock location decorations. If anyone remembers who it was or where I can find the pics that would be a great help. I need to find out how much and where to get the fabric. Thanks all!!
  6. Hey Kitty, Insanity is pretty intense. I love it though, what a great workout!! Brandy....I am looking for that pink dress on sears and I can't find it..was it in store or online? I also have an address in the states (with me being so close to the border I can get it shipped there) so if it's on the US site could you let me know...Thanks in advance!! I love it!!
  7. WOW Apola, Very glad to hear you are okay!! I agree, I think we all put alot of pressure on ourselves to make this 'perfect', and sometimes we end up taking on more than we should. I know I have had a few stressful days. Maybe it's a good idea to take some time off. Another thing is, I find this website extremely helpful and motivating except I think I try to do EVERY good idea I see, which in turn gives that much more to stress about. NO MORE EBAY!!!! That's my new rule.... I was fine with my dress until I started reading others' second thoughts, then I started to think 'is mine good enough?' It is...I love it. Anyway Hope you are feeling better and we're always here for you....
  8. Laura, are putting a little card or something inside the key holder?
  9. Hanna, I need for sure 20. I don't think I could do only 15. If you can do less that would be great beacuse their wouldnt be any shipping because your only 20 min from me so we could just meet up. And I just ordered the black ones before I even read this, haha!!
  10. Hanna I forgot to mention that I only actually need 20-22 so if you need around the same up to 30, you could buy them from me and i could ship them out to you, and it would probably save you some $$
  11. Hanna, where in BC? I am going to order mine through the same supplier but I can pick mine up right across the border, I live in Abbotsford and I am just a hop skip and a jump from the border so I save on shipping for everything. I have to order 50 of the lanyards and I'll get the 50 pack of pouches. How many do you need? What are your colours? I was thinking of just going with black. Although the tourqouise are beautiful...and my colour(s).
  12. Was your trip really expensive? It looks amazing there!!! We chose BP in the Mayan because it was cheaper and we started planning only 6 months ago so we decided to keep it cheaper...not cheap...but cheaper! After seeing some of the places other ppl are going it kinda makes me wish I would have looked beyond Mexico!
  13. Laura, let me know when you figure out how much. Thanks!!
  14. Wow those are gorgeous Brandy!!!!
  15. Wow Mocha, you made me tear up all over again!!! Bahaha, that's crazy!!! Yah I'll stick with what we have, but it would be awesome. They are a great investment....if someone else pays for it!! lol Either way, they are so beautiful and I WISH I could have something liek that done!!!
  16. Tris and Mocha....I guess I needed a good cry because both of those nade me 'ugly cry'!!! How much is it for these type of 'photographers'? I haven't ever seen anything like them. I have only seen still pictures put into videos. Those are amazing!
  17. Something old...no idea yet, Something new...my shoes (I love shoes) something borrowed...again no idea (probably something from my mom) something blue...FI is a HUGE canucks fan so I am sewing a canucks logo on my garter belt! How long have you and FI been together?
  18. I soooo agreee!!!! Let's write a letter..lol
  19. Tris...Yay you!! That's great news. Hope all goes well, like I said we have been looking forever (it feels like) and still haven't found THE house. It's so hard when you think about how big of a decision it is. Glad to hear everyone else makes those 'comments' too. Lisa & Tris, I don't want to be taking down alot either. I jsut have a few things for the OOT bags but my huge concern was with luggage weight. Luckily I have a 2 yr old that isn't going to require alot of luggage space. And my dad is pretty low maintenance too so I am just going to spread it out between my family and hopefully it all gets there fine. FI has VERY bad luck with losing bags so I don't want to put anything at all in his suitcase. They should give Brides an extra bag!!!!
  20. Do you guys ever type something and then go.......why did I type that...noone cares about that?!?!? I just had one of them!!
  21. Tenny....I had been waxing for years because I got in-grown hairs (you wanna talk TMI...) from shaving...well then I started to get them from waxing too!! SO now it's all laser hair removal for me and it's AWESOME!!!!! I highly recommend it to everyone!! I get Brazillian and love it!!! I'ts painful but sooooo worth it. I can shave everywhere else but def laser for the hoo-hoo!!
  22. Lisa I think having someone else beside you in invory will make your dress look even more vibrant. I am on the other end of the spectrum, my ceremony dress is ivory so I don't want anyone in white inc. FI. So everyone else has to wear ivory, this being FI and our son (he's 2) . I custom ordered their outfits from Island Importer so they'll look exactly the same. My Reception dress is white but I fine with sticking out in white against all the rest of the ivory for the evening part. I loooovvvveeee both my dresses bu tI kinda wish my ceremony dress was white as well. Oh well I am super happy with it nonetheless, I am jsut making everyone elses outfits how I want them instead of changing my dress.
  23. Abbie32... well if it's going to be windy, maybe its better that we both use our own fabric. I would hate to use yours and have it rip or something before you get married.although the colours would probably work perfectly. Oh well....where did you get the lanterns from? Who are you travelling with? I heard there are changes in the way you travel with your wedding dress. They don't let you use their compartments anymore (for my airline) so you have to be able to put it in an overhead compartment. Maybe you should just check with your supplier to find out the rules. The lanterns are a great idea , and we won't be in the same area so I could still bring them and I won't look like I copied you..lol. Are you bringin an extra bag? we are only allowed one bag, and it's really expensive to bring down another one so I am trying to bring as little as possible without robbing myself of things I really want. That said...I am pretty much ready as far as 'buying' stuff to bring down. Now I am just getting super excited.
  24. Mine was the same, but they just changed it about 2 weeks ago so maybe just double check. Just to be safe!!
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