Hi Girls! I need some advice. My wedding is June 11th and I was told by the other bride who is getting married the same day that our resort is booked full for our weekend. I still had some guests who were waiting to book thier trip. So now they have to stay at another Hotel down the road AND pay $95 per person a day to come to Dreams for our rehersal and Wedding. The only way the day pass fee is waived is if they stay at Zoetry which is over $500 a night! I asked if they could waive the day pass fee and they said no, i asked if they could somehow do a price match with Zoetry so they could stay there for the same price as Dreams, they said no, I even said we would give up the extra groom room the night before the wedding if they could have it, they said no. I am just REALLY irritated that no one from Dreams contacted me to tell me the resort was almost booked, including Magda. i dont feel like i am asking too much for them to give our guests a day pass for our wedding! Especially since I am bringing many people to the resort with our wedding party and spending ALOT of money there!!!!! I would just think they could accomodate us better than that. Magda said that she is unable to get any of that. Do you think i should call Dreams directly and ask for management? What are your thoughts!