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Posts posted by shan0487

  1. No problem!


    No I did not- I was married on the beach and knew they wouldn't allow them there.  They may allow you to use them in the gazabo on the aisle or something.  Ya if it's windy it won't work on teh tables either..I would ask your WC when you get there if you can use them unless they are in big packages and you don't want to pack them. 

    Originally Posted by AmayaMeister2Be View Post

    Thanks for the tip on the tipping lol. Did you by chance use rose petals? I bought a whole bunch and now I'm asking myself why I did that! My flower girls are holding flower balls that I made them so they won't be throwing petals on the floor. I seriously bought a lot. Does the resort allow the guests to throw them at the end? Wondering if its too messy and then they have to pick them all up. I guess I could have them scatter them on the tables but if its windy then why bother? Your thoughts???
  2. 1) yes I just brought it in the david's bridal garment bag and the put it in an overhead bin.  My dress was lace so it wasn't big or poufy or anything.


    2) Well I had 2 WC- since my rehearsal was at Moon I tipped that girl $10 cause she didn't really do anything ( I met her that morning to go over the menu and she carted us over to the terrace so we could see where it was at).  I tipped my wedding coordinator (the one at Sun that helped me with the planning) $50.  I felt that was an appropriate amount- she did a great job with everything and didn't charge me to set up the decorations (well she did show up to our meeting almost 2 hours late so she better not have lol).  We tipped each wait staff person $5 or $10 (I can't remember now).  You have to hand them each individually the money or I feel that one person will pocket all the money lol. 

    Originally Posted by AmayaMeister2Be View Post

    Thats crazy about your luggage, i know id bust out crying sad.gif I will definitely start on a check list. I'm thinking we are going to have to purchase one more large suitcase just in case.

    2 things....1) so did you take your wedding dress in a garment bag on plane and where did They have you store it? We are flying united airlines so im hoping they are nice and put it in a special place lol 2) Scott asked me to ask previous brides how much should we tip the on site coordinator?
  3. If you are anything like me you will be incredibly stressed the night before you leave..my husband hadn't packed- his suitcase broke as we zipped it up so we had to borrow one from a friend who lucikly had an extra...and when we left I initally forgot my wedding dress- but hadn't left the subdivison so it was okay.  Then we get to the airport and I realize that my luggage isn't there (neither my suitcase of clothes nor the suitcase full of wedding stuff) and burst into tears in the middle of the crowded airport.  We had carpooled and my luggage that I left in the middle of the living room the night before at my inlaws house was not grabbed.  So thankfully my husband's grandpa was able to make it with our luggage with 2 minutes to spare before the cutoff to check our bags....after that it was smooth sailing... it's funny now but OMG I almost died (the luggage would have came 2 days later with the rest of our guests but I would have had NOTHING to wear and would have had to postpone our meeting with the WC!). 


    So if you have any bumps in the road..just remember it will all work out! I forgot all about the suitcase incident the moment we arrived at MP lol. 

    I can't wait to see pics!! :)

    Originally Posted by AmayaMeister2Be View Post

    Thanks Shanna, it's starting to set in- the excitement! I can't wait now. Last week I was stressed, wishing I could freeze time to get stuff done. Right at this moment I want next week to get here already to start the fun and memories.

    Thanks for all you advice. I think I will want to go back too next summer. :)
  4. Vanessa your bags look awesome!! I love that color purple! I'm so excited for you!!!

    I am booking our anniversary trip back to Moon Palace tonigh!!! I can't wait to go back in less than 6 months! We are going to stay in the grand section this time! :)

    Originally Posted by AmayaMeister2Be View Post

    I have 10 days til we get on a plane headed for, what I'm praying, is one of the best weeks of my life (our life). We went yesterday morning to apply for our marriage license- so we can cross that off our extremely long list of "things to do before we leave for cancun." We are planning to get married by the Justice of the Peace next Friday before we leave for cancun!!!

    I just finished putting one of my OOT bags together just to see what it would look like. And ladies let me tell you, seeing the bag all put together made me not only excited to give them to my family and friends but it made me proud of myself! I would NOT label myself "creative or crafty" but after seeing the finished product.... I feel like Martha freaking Stewart! It makes me feel good, that for once I didn't wait til the last minute to start on a project. When deciding what gifts I would be giving my guests, I immediately told my fiancé, "I want to pull an Oprah!" Of course he said, " what do you mean?" I in turn stated "we are flying everyone to cancun on the jet I never told you I have!" Not! I told him I wanted to make gift bags with some of my favorite things/products but on a budget! So a little under a year ago I started purchasing products for my vision. I am quite happy with the outcome. I'm still waiting on vinyl decals in the shape of a heart with our initials to place on the glass container of the scented oils i had made to smell similar to my favorite perfumes.

    I wanted to share pictures of the bags and the items i will be placing in the bags, however I'm having trouble uploading the pictures from my iPad, so I will put them in my photo album. I found a lot of good sellers on etsy. I recommend every single seller I ordered from. There was not one that I had a bad experience with. Every single store was super helpful and quick to send items!! I absolutely love Etsy.com!!!

    Good luck ladies!!!!
  5. Hey vanessa!!


    They are whatever color you want them to be.  I asked my WC if it could be any color other than red, white or pink and she asked what color I wanted:  if you told them and it's on your PO you should be fine- here is what mine said and they will confirm it at your meeting!! :)





    Originally Posted by AmayaMeister2Be View Post

    Shanna do you think all the complimentary bouquets are this color? Or do they try to match the colors of the wedding? I've made 2 bouquets for my brides maids and I still have my matron of honors left to make, but with having a week and a half or so left til we leave I'm thinking why don't I save myself the headache and stress and let my sister (my matron of honor) use the one moon palace gives me because I made mine already. In our final PO it did say white, pink or red flowers will be used, but then next to it it says purple flowers and coral ribbon or vise versa.

  6. It was busy but fun!! All of our guests keep asking when we are going back!! :)


    I actually got married at Sun Palace! But we had our rehersal dinner on the verando terrace by the grand side and it was great- very quiet and secluded over there! :)  I saw plenty of weddings at MP while we were there- our room was right next to the catholic chapel and the beach locations! :)


    My wedding was at 4pm, cocktail hour at 5 and reception from 6-10. 


    Do you have your locations picked out?

    Originally Posted by taralouise View Post

    Thanks sounds like a very busy but exciting week,thats very reassuring that you had a great time,how did your wedding plan out?what time did you get married and what locations did you use?thanks sorry lots of questions x
  7. You are welcome!! I can't believe it's been 6 months since we were married but the day was perfect!! Aside from having my hair re-done 3 times (due to the language barrier and miscommunication) everything went perfectly! You can't imagine how great you will be treated once you get there- they want you to have everything you've ever imagined!! We are hoping to return to MP in November for our anniversary since we didn't really get to enjoy the resort as we were busy doing wedding stuff all week.  We arrived on Monday, I had my bachelorette party on Wed (also when the majority of our guests arrived) and we met with our WC on Tuesday, TTD session and rehersal/welcome dinner on Thursday, wedding on Friday and then we had Sat and Sun to relax and then we left on Monday.


    Let me know if you have any other questions!! :)



    Originally Posted by taralouise View Post

    Hello Shan0487 thankyou for posting those that's great how did your big day go?x
  8. Hi- here is the bouquet included in the complimentary package- I did not end up using as I had Marvin make my flowers- so it was my back-up bouquet just in case!! But they were pretty and simple and also the bout for my husband that was also included.


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    Originally Posted by taralouise View Post

    Hello ladies,does any of the brides already married at moon palace have any pictures of their flowers that were done by the hotel and not an outside vendor?their bouquet and boutonnière?thanks Tara x
  9. I would contact your WC- I don't think they allow this to be done.  You will probably have a hard time getting the box through customs. 

    Originally Posted by jenvens7 View Post

    Hey ladies! I have a quick question for the ladies that have already had their weddings at the MP. I am planning on sending a box of stuff from the states through Fedex to the resort with our decorations. I really don't want to pay those ridiculous baggage fees to take them down! I know...I know...I'm cheap. smile105.gif 


    Has anyone else done that? How does it work? Will they hold it for you if you send it in advance?



  10. Well thank you for your honest opinion!! Sounds like we will not be going there any time soon!  That night club sounds like a joke- i can't believe you have to pay for drinks!!


    I think we may be going back to Moon Palace for our one year anniversary! :)

    Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

    Shan in our opinion it is not!


    The resort is comparable to Moon in the following areas:

    -Number of Pools

    -Number of Places to eat


    -Spending of the resort credits.

    -Cars/carts to get around


    The resort falls short to Moon Palace in:

    -Activities to do on the resort (they are suppose to get jet skiing, para-sailing and a few other things in a year to two).  The horses are so tiny that if your husband/friends weighs more than 180 pounds you can't ride them. 

    -Life at the Pool, they had 1 band and music playing at the "main pool", and it was still dead. However; they did not have anything and I do mean anything else going on.  Moon Palace had activities, food, etc... going on all the time at each pool area. 

    -Although they had a number of restaurants (most of which is in the main building), the food wasn't that great.  Many people that we met were talking about this.

    -Although we did not witness any weddings, the set-up on the beach wasn't that great.  But the deck was about the best place but again that's in the main building.


    The resort beats Moon Palace in the following:

    -Room Decor


    -Beach is by far better than moon palace!



    The addition of the casino was great for those who gamble but you won't find anyone there during the day.  The club Oro (located in the casino) was dead even at 12am.  While the decor was nice, it was very cold in there and you have to buy your drinks.  LOL  those that stay on the resort get in free but other people come to the resort for the club so they charge a cover for them.  But everyone has to buy drinks LOL.  What a joke. 




  11. That is correct, if you have them staying at the resort (for 2 or 3 nights- I think 2 is the min) there is no extra fee as they are guests of your wedding.  we flew down a local photographer and her assistant and we paid for their hotel for 3 nights and I did not have to pay anything extra as I counted them as guests of our wedding and their room nights counted towards my 75 nights!

    Originally Posted by Futurefiler87 View Post

    I think this was discussed previously in the thread, but I'm sure people are now further along in planning and we have some new people on here. Are any of you taking someone with you for photography? We were planning on just using the one at the resort, but we made a package deal with someone local that we couldn't really turn down. If they are staying at the MP there is no extra fee right?

  12. Really?  So I assume it is not as good as moon palace then?!

    Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

    Yay, we just returned from our 1 year Celebration at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Punta Cana.  If anyone has questions please ask. My schedule is so hectic that I'm not sure that I will do a review.  But overall, although we had a good time (activities off the resort), we will not go back unless someone else pays LOL. 


    Happy Planning!

  13. The weather is perfect in November!! I got married on Nov 23, 2012.  It's high 70s and low 80s during the day and in the high 60s/ low 70s at night, so make sure you pack a sweater cause with the wind it can get chilly! The only downside to Nov is that is gets dark earlier but it keeps you from being in the sun too long and turning into a red lobster! :)

    Originally Posted by ccawley79 View Post


    This forum is so helpful! I am getting married on Nov 22nd @ Moon Palace so a little less than 6 months to go. :) We have decided to have the catholic ceremony but will have a quiet (just us) civil ceremony here in Massachusetts sometime soon. It seems like it might be a hassle to do both in Cancun.


    Does anyone have a list of the different areas @ Moon that I can look at for reception spaces? They told me I would book that 90 days before but a few of you have mentioned that you are able to hold that space before the 90 days. We will be having around 40 adults and 7 children.


    We are staying in Nizuc and just added 10 more rooms in Grand. We're staying for one week. Anyone know about the weather in November? 

    Thank you ladies! Love this website! :)

  14. Book with a TA- a lot less headache than booking directly with the resort (this website is run by a TA so if you don't have a TA in mind- send them an email!)  The TA should be able to get you a better group rate and you will benefit with the group perks as long as your TA is aware of these benefits and your guests book through your TA! :)


    My wedding was Nov 2012 and it think we paid about $175/ night per person for double occupany. 

    Originally Posted by JeanaBeena View Post

    Curious how everyone chose to handle the group bookings for their travel. Did you just go through the hotel directly and sign their group contract?


    I was originally going to do so, but the group rate they gave me is pretty ridiculous. This is what I was given for November 2013 (SLOW season)




    All Inclusive


    AUG 25/13 - DEC 23/13


    Room Type








    Superior Deluxe - Garden View








    Superior Deluxe - Ocean View










    According to this, a room with 2 adults would be $382. On expedia, you can get the same room for $350. Also, if you book direct, by the chart above, 4 adults in a room would cost $688 where on Expedia - it's still just $350. Everywhere else charges PER ROOM, not per person.


    I hate to ask people to pay more money to go thru the hotel directly, but with a planned guest attendance of 100+, I need to make sure I earn the 75 room night benefits, and still allow everyone to get their resort credits, etc.


    So can I use a travel agent instead and are their rates more in line with Expedia/cheap caribbean? Are you still able to earn the function benefits/upgrades? Has anyone tried asking for a better group rate direct from the hotel?

  15. I am not 100% certain as I reached the 75 nights, but yes I do believe the $300 a table only applies to those who do not get the free reception. 

    Originally Posted by JeanaBeena View Post


    Thank you so much! That is much clearer. Just to make sure, do you know if this applies even to the Cowie weddings? I guess I'm confused as to WHEN someone would pay the $300/table charge that is shown with the collections. I suppose it is only for people who don't make the 75 nights and have to pay for the reception dinner?

  16. Congrats!!


    We went to the disco a couple nights- one night it was mainly techno but then when we went after the reception was over (friday night) it was more "normal" dance music with a techno song about 1 every 10 songs. 

    Originally Posted by ckl22 View Post

    Hey All! Any February 2014 Brides here? I just booked my wedding for February 27th :)


    What is everyone doing for dancing? Are you paying extra for a DJ at private dinner or... ? I was thinking of maybe just using the night club.. but I have heard all they play is techno. Anyone been able to experience what it really is like? I'm trying to plan a site visit I'm just not sure if it will happen or not :(

  17. No they do not charge you per guest if you get the free 3 hour event.  What they will charge you is per table after those 2 hours that are included in the dinner reception.  For example- if you have your wedding at 4, cocktail from 5-6 and reception from 6-10- you will pay per table (I think it's like $80-100) per hour for anything over those 2 hours that are included in your "freebees"  The 30 persons you are referring to is the dinner reservation in a restaurnat that you could use in lieu of a private reception. 

    Originally Posted by JeanaBeena View Post

    Hi everyone! I'm sorry if this has already been answered, but I can't seem to find a straight answer anywhere. For those of you that have had your wedding already this year AND YOU MET THE 75 Room night minimum AND YOU HAD MORE than 30 guests, was there a per person fee for dinner for you additional guests?


    From what I understand, once you meet the 75 room nights, you get 3 hours of free functions for each day you are there. On your wedding day, most people use this for 1 hr cocktail and 2 hour reception dinner. My question is, is this only for up to 30 people? If so, what is the fee for extra people? lets assume I will have 100 guests.


    Thanks for your help in advance! I did just do a site visit and will be posting photos soon (but somehow I missed asking this question - lol)

  18. Hi Lilypod-


    The complimentary package comes with a tech to play music at your ceremony- they set up speakers- you just have to provide a CD and list of songs to be played when.  If there is only 4 of you I don't think you need anything other than the horse and photographer! You may want a videographer if you want to show everyone else your ceremony when you return (I just had my future brother in law record the ceremony).  Everything is so gorgeous the way it is!! I made starfish raffia decorations for the aisles but that was all I added to the ceremony on the beach! :)


    Let me know if you have any other questions! :)



    Originally Posted by Lilypod1803 View Post

    Originally Posted by shan0487 View Post

    that should all be factored into that and reflective of your freebies from your package- my total purchase order was $213ish- all I paid for was my ipod hook up and $3 for orange ribbon around my cake. 

    Hi can I just ask as we are having the complimentary package and I wanted to add horse and carriage and photography. Do I need to pay for something to play the music on for my walking to the beach and when we walk away after we're married?
    There is only four of us travelling could anyone think of any other must have extras that we might need?
    Thanks in advance x
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