I hope I'm the only one having to deal with this for all you ladies sakes' but I thought I would share just in case.... So my Cancun lady finally emailed me the things she told me she would email me when we spoke on the phone 2 weeks ago. She tried to tell me on the phone that I was limited to the new promotions- the 3 hour max unlimited function per day. (I booked on Feb 7th, the promotion changed March 1st, I did not ever sign a contract as they told me they did away with contracts I'm guessing somewhere in Early 2012- I have a group contract with Funjet through my TA which confirms my group promotions as the originail unlimited events for unlimited hours AND I have emails with Janessa- my Miami contact telling me that I still got the old benefits). So I told her this on the phone and she said to send her what I had and she would take a look, well a week and a half went by and I still hadn't heard anything so I emailed her Monday night and she finally responded last night and told me there had been miscommunication before and I only get the new promotion with the 3 hour max---- OH hell no-- you just flipped on Bridezilla and watch out. I was quite nice in the email because I know it's not her fault, she's just doing what she is told, but really?! I have proof- so I said in the email (which I copied my TA in) and told her if she did not honor the promotion I would get my TA and Funjet involved until this was settled....OMG I'm so angry right now.... So I just had to vent and hope no one else is going through this and I hope we get it settled soon or there will be lots of drinking this weekend, haha.