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Everything posted by ginnybride

  1. Thanks Cricket! Thats very helpful! I was considering taking an extra bag, but I havent decided on exactly what Im going to include in them yet, so that may determine how easy it will be to fit in a suitcase. What all did you put i yours? Does anyone else have ideas or suggestions?? And what about the actual bags used for the OOT? I havent found any I like or that are affordable and decent quality just yet. Cricket do you have pics of your table decor? That seems hard to squeeze in suitcases as well, but I was going to bring my own chair bows, tablecloths, etc.... not sure if i can fit centerpieces too! But based on what they charge, I may need to!
  2. Thank you so much @clgriffi7! You have a very good point! I am paying for my photographer to stay there as a guest as well! Did you ask for the gazebo decor, or did she offer that? How much/what all is included in the gazebo decor? I wonder what other options I should even ask for.... hmmm! Also @mich1011, very good question. I am trying think through my welcome bags as well and how to get everything there. I am considering shipping a package to my WC at the resort. I'm just nervous that they wont have it or be able to find it when I arrive. Any ideas on what to include in welcome bags for guests?
  3. Hi JAS, Were you upfront that you were brining your own photographer? I want to do the same, but my TA suggested that I keep it quiet. Did you swap the services ahead of time or when you arrived on site. What types of services can you trade?
  4. Ditto! I just got an email from Cecila this week that she is going on Maternity leave. I am know working with Guillermo! I havent reached out to him/her very much at this point. I hope the transition is smooth and things dont fall in the cracks. I'm hoping its a good change, but to early to tell at this point. I have not seen this name on this site before, so I'm guessing it is a new person. Just like you though, trying not to stress and just fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly! I feel like I should be further along than I am! On another notes, has any had live music at the reception? We are trying to find more information to see if this is a good option or if we should just go with the DJ.
  5. Not to get off topic of Juan, but what are most people doing for decorations? For example center pieces on the tables. Do most brides take decorations yourself, buy them down there, or let dreams handle them? Or another idea I had were paper latterns. What are some other ideas and easy to transport decorations?
  6. I actually put my deposit down on 2/12; however, I do not have anything in writing regarding Juan b/c at the time that was a part of the package deal, so I did not confirm it. At the time, I was just looking into dreams and didnt realize how great Juan was! Eventhough I did book before 3/17, they are telling me that I have to upgrade in order to get Juan. Not sure what is going on here! GRRRR!!!! I have not put up a big fight about it just yet, but why do they make things so difficult for us??
  7. Hey Girls, I just talked to Cecilia (WC) yesterday and she told me that I would have to upgrade my photo package in order to have Juan as a photographer (although I signed prior to 3/17). I believe all that was required for the upgrade was paying for one additional hour, which is $250 and then I would be able to get Juan as well as 50 additional pictures from the wedding. Are others getting Juan without having to spend any additional $? Uhhh, I hate having to fight for something that should already be included!
  8. Oh wow!!! That is sooo pretty @muitoquerida!!! How much of these decorations did you bring yourself? I'm so nervous about having pretty decorations, but everyones pictures look amazing. I'm just unsure of what everyone brings with them vs. what Dreams provides. Does anyone have any guidance to offer!??!
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