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About Burlia

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  1. My husband and I were married on May 10th and stayed at Playacar Palace. They immediately upgrade you to basically the concierge level. We received an ocean view room, nightly treats and turndown service all without using your credits to upgrade. A spectacular photo package which is worth over $500 was also included because of the membership. Our photographer Ana and her partner (I feel awful I can't remember his name) were phenomenal! Get the Trash the Dress session and video even if you hate the pricing, they were amazing and so much fun for my husband (and me too!). Although it is sometimes a hassle to deal with the initial planning, once you get there the wedding planners are fabulous (ours was Wilma) and make every dream come true. Lynn helped me deal with any problems we had in the planning stages and was a HUGE help! One of the most memorable moments we had was when I really wanted to have a candlelight dinner on the beach after the ceremony because it was just the two of us. I was really disappointed when at the last minute they told us they did not offer it that night. The staff noticed my disappointment and put together the ultimate candlelight dinner underneath our marriage huppa. They lit the table with purple lights, stones, and flowers. We had three servers waiting table-side to pour our champagne and take dishes. They brought out wonderful filet mignon and lobster and finished with our wedding cake. It was the most amazing dinner ever and I could not believe that they did that for us on such short notice. This dinner is normally done with 10-20 other couples so it was very personal and romantic. I imagine that the service is just as fantastic at Cozumel Palace.
  2. My husband and I were married on May 10th and stayed at Playacar Palace. We received an ocean view room, nightly treats and turndown service all without using your credits to upgrade. A spectacular photo package which is worth over $500 was also included because of the membership. Our photographer Ana and her partner (I feel awful I can't remember his name) were phenomenal! Get the Trash the Dress session and video even if you hate the pricing, they were amazing and so much fun for my husband (and me too!). Although it is sometimes a hassle to deal with the initial planning, once you get there the wedding planners are fabulous (ours was Wilma) and make every dream come true. Lynn helped me deal with any problems we had in the planning stages and was a HUGE help! One of the most memorable moments we had was when I really wanted to have a candlelight dinner on the beach after the ceremony because it was just the two of us. I was really disappointed when at the last minute they told us they did not offer it that night. The staff noticed my disappointment and put together the ultimate candlelight dinner underneath our marriage huppa. They lit the table with purple lights, stones, and flowers. We had three servers waiting table-side to pour our champagne and take dishes. They brought out wonderful filet mignon and lobster and finished with our wedding cake. It was the most amazing dinner ever and I could not believe that they did that for us on such short notice. This dinner is normally done with 10-20 other couples so it was very personal and romantic. I imagine that the service is just as fantastic at Moon Palace.
  3. I found the website explaining that you will not be charged if you booked before April 1st.http://www.palaceresorts.com/pressroom-en.html I suggest you print this page, dispute it now and bring it and all email correspondance with you in case you need to prove something later. I had them try to quickly change the website when I disputed the charge for the beach sound system. I won, because I had it in writing.
  4. Don't count on anything that Palace promises. Unless you have it in writing, and sometimes even then they do not care. I am convinced that I may get there and have a number of things that were promised as complimentary be at cost. They are basically charging you $165 to use your $1500 resort credit. I booked last year and have not heard it they plan to charge me the tax yet. Let us know if you hear anything and good luck.
  5. Could you post where you got this information specifically? I want it in writing to bring with me because they constantly try to change what they are charging when the promotions change. Is it that you will not be charged if you have booked your ROOM by April 1st or the actual services by then? Thanks for the info.
  6. I also noticed on their website that it states the newColin Cowie structure for complimentaryceremony will not be used until June 2012 so I assume that means any of us before that will have the old structure.
  7. Does anyone have any information on when the new on-property spa contruction will be completed? I have read on tripadvisor that they are building a new one and also that there will be rooms for upgrade with swim up pools. Probably cannot afford the fancy room, but a on site spa would be great.
  8. The original wording is in quotes in my first post. They did finally in my case honor the original wording and provide the CD player at no additional cost. I would glady scan the copy except I cannot find the copy. Luckily, they decided to honor it anyhow. Like I said before, quote that exact wording and they will have to honor it. They are aware of the problem and have changed it on the website for future brides. The beach was included until about 2 weeks ago.
  9. I received the same attachments and would be happy to email them to anyone who wants them if they are not accessible on here. They reccomend that you book your spa appointments, hair and make-up in advance. All of those prices are included in the lists, bridal hair is $89.
  10. The website said originally that it was included for the beach but when I mentioned it they said it was not and then proceeded to change the wording on the website. I printed the original wording in case they changed it and it said "Ceremony Locations: Beach area, Terrace (can accomodate up to 40 guests) or solarium area. If solarium area is chosen, a CD player is not provided, extra fee will apply." It now reads " If solarium or beach area is chosen....". They told me they were changing the site in the email and I had just missunderstood the previous wording. It seems pretty clear to me but I am starting to realize that it is pretty much whatever they decide at the moment to charge or not charge for. On another hand, Lorena has been absolutely fabulous trying to schedule everything and my planner did get to me over 2 months prior to the wedding. If you thought the CD player was included, I recommend you challenge it on the previous wording. Maybe if they get enough fallout from it they will honor the prior advertisement.
  11. My wedding planner (Wilma) contacted me and I was given some options that I have not heard mentioned on here before. One option was white chocolate mousse cake with mint. Has anyone had this before and is it good? I haven't heard good things about the cakes on here but hopefully this is a new option. Overall, I guess I am a little surprised at the high cost of anything you add to your ceremony. They charge like $250 just for the CD player which is almost as much as hiring a live performer to play harp or whatever. This seems really high for such a short ceremony... Have any of you had the civil ceremony? How long is it and is it even worth the money to have the music? I just feel silly spending this when it is just my fiance and I. I get the impression the service is extremely short. Also, which flowers are you all getting? I can't make up my mind.
  12. I guess I should have written that a little better...... as soon as I talked with Lorena on the phone everything was immediately AWESOME! It was everybody else that I talked to or emailed who gave me varying (mostly wrong) answers. I felt better once I started dealing with her. It is good to hear that about the day pass and outside vendors. Thanks so much for all your comments and help. With Lynn's membership benefits and your suggestions and photos the experience has been more fun than stressful. This forum has been fabulous.
  13. Have any of you used Riviera Maya Weddings for your photography? They are not fancy but it is what I can afford.... I am just wondering if any of you had tried them out.
  14. I called and asked this question and was told that the credit could only be used for the complete packages. I was totally dissapointed because I thought I could use it just for the photography. I am concerned that I won't be able to bring an outside vendor in with the day pass either because they would not technically be a guest. Have many of you gotten away with hiring an outside photographer on the day pass? Honestly, I have gotten a different answer from every WC whenever I ask anything so I don't know if any of this is correct. I spent three months trying to explain that I wanted a civil service with a minister and was told they could not do that. I finally just called Lorena (rather than emailing back and forth with Lisa) and she said it was not a problem. The lack of consistent answers concerns me a little but everyone on here says their weddings were perfect so I am trying not to stress over it.
  15. How many guests do you have? I have like 15 of them I bought at christmas and did not use. I could check and see if our dollar stores still have them if you would like. I have no idea what the shipping would be.... they are pretty light.
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