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Posts posted by Labebita911

  1. Love it... those are my wedding colors!!! im getting married July 14 2012.. :o

    Originally Posted by meg444 View Post

    Well this is my first time posting a thread... here goes.

    My wedding colors are pink and green. I wanted invitations that were bright, colorful and fun.
    I ordered my invitations from maplemountaindesigns.com.
    She was so great to deal with, and does exceptional work.
    I really could not be any happier with them and my guests absolutely loved them! They came in a really cute little white box too!

    She is also going to be creating my place cards and program fans to match my invitations.

    Here are a few pictures...

    Front view with the lid off the box:
    Click the image to open in full size.

    Back View of Invitation:
    Click the image to open in full size.

    Inside of Invitation:
    Click the image to open in full size.

    Back of Response Card:
    Click the image to open in full size.

    Accomodations Card:
    Click the image to open in full size.

    Thanks for letting me share them!


  2. Thanks for your advice..


    Good luck on your p90x i hear that realllyy works.. maybe i should consider that..;:o)

    Originally Posted by Sharon99 View Post

    Dont stress just yet. You still have time but get on it now! I would do whatever you find easier. If you prefer or think you will do the on-demand workouts over going to the gym, do them. If you like working out at home how about buying some dvds? There are tons that are great. From Jillian Michaels to Beachbody ones. Dont forget that your diet is also important especially on "lazy" days!


    Tomorrow will be exactly 3 months for me! wootwoot! I am going to start P90x again Sunday which will take me right up till we leave. Definitely crunch time for me.


    Good luck ladies...DIG DEEP!




  3. sorry i mean 21 weeks...>!!

    Originally Posted by Labebita911 View Post

    aI am 221 weeks until my wedding and havent started anything!!!!! im freaking out!!!!!! i want to lose about 10 lbs but mostly tone up,.. I started last week by exercising at home with ONDemand videos but this week ive been lazy and lack motivation and Im guessing at this point i should suck it up and join the gym for an extra boost, because at this point its crunch time!!.. should i just join the gym???


  4. aI am 221 weeks until my wedding and havent started anything!!!!! im freaking out!!!!!! i want to lose about 10 lbs but mostly tone up,.. I started last week by exercising at home with ONDemand videos but this week ive been lazy and lack motivation and Im guessing at this point i should suck it up and join the gym for an extra boost, because at this point its crunch time!!.. should i just join the gym???

  5. Wow AMAZING!!!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by carmresu View Post

    Hi there -


    Not sure if you've found a videographer yet, but I wanted to post my experiences working with Loyd Calomay, a CA based videographer.


    Itâ€s hard to describe how lucky we feel to have had Loyd document our wedding at the Gran Caribe Real in Cancun on 11/22/11.  After we came back from Mexico, we were on such a high from the wedding events and loved looking through our family & friends facebook pictures, but then Loyd sent us our highlight reel, which allowed all of us to relive everything in such a powerful & beautiful way. Weâ€re still looking forward to getting our full length film, but weâ€ve already watched the highlight reel countless times.  We initially didnâ€t even think a videographer was necessary but after realizing how truly amazing Loydâ€s work is, weâ€re so happy that we decided.


    Hereâ€s a link to the video: http://vimeo.com/32970125 password: cancun

    Hereâ€s a link to his page: http://www.loydcalomayfilms.com/


  6. They do have a fee.. for guest staying at the resort i pay about $55 a person por guest staying ouit its about $125 so that a big difference...Ughh.. why are poeple so complicated.. and its like some say they say " ohhh its too expensive" yet there out spending money on another vacation so its just our wedding is not that important and maybe it thats the case then you dont ned to be there... its just funny how people act when it comes down to it.. but whatever as long aws my immediate fam is there we would have a blast..:o) im not going to worry to much anymore because i come to realize its not worth the stress!!! im going to TRY to stay positive and see what happens.. i have thought og making people pay the diffrence but i fell bad and my FI would not allow it.. so i dunno!!!!


    Originally Posted by JQLong View Post

    Well....Labebita911....That is a tough one.  Chances are the resort you are havign your weding at will charge people that are not staying at the resort a fee (could be $50+) to attend the wedding.  This is usually the case when it comes to AI resorts.  Although DW are relatively inexpensive, it is a major headache.  My fiance and I lost our initial deposit because we were going to have our wedding in St. Thomas.  Although we are paying for the wedding ourselves, I discussed with my Mom....prior to booking.  Well.....My darling Mom....waits until the first STD went out (with tentative pricing) and then decided it was too expensive.  We had also left a room block deposit of which we were able to get back.  Once we took a step back and realized that St. Thomas while beautiful was not AI and very expensive.  We went back to the drawing board and are now within 6 months of our wedding in Mexico. 


    I would find out from the resort....if they charge a fee for guests to attend the wedding & reception.  I would advise my guest of this additional fee and I would NOT under ANY circumstances offer to pay it. 


    As many of us have said (and already know)...the day is for us and our Future Hubbies.  Its so hard not to get aggravated though....


    Just concentrate on the two of you.  We are sending our invitations our tomorrow (has all of the travel agent info)....after that....I am done...

    I will not debate pricing or anything of the sort.  As much as I want people to be there, I look at it this way...the less people...the more intimate...the less money we will spend....


    Good Luck Girlie! 




  7. They do have a fee.. for guest staying at the resort i pay about $55 a person por guest staying ouit its about $125 so that a big difference...Ughh.. why are poeple so complicated.. and its like some say they say " ohhh its too expensive" yet there out spending money on another vacation so its just our wedding is not that important and maybe it thats the case then you dont ned to be there... its just funny how people act when it comes down to it.. but whatever as long aws my immediate fam is there we would have a blast..:o) im not going to worry to much anymore because i come to realize its not worth the stress!!! im going to TRY to stay positive and see what happens.. i have thought og making people pay the diffrence but i fell bad and my FI would not allow it.. so i dunno!!!!


    Originally Posted by JQLong View Post

    Well....Labebita911....That is a tough one.  Chances are the resort you are havign your weding at will charge people that are not staying at the resort a fee (could be $50+) to attend the wedding.  This is usually the case when it comes to AI resorts.  Although DW are relatively inexpensive, it is a major headache.  My fiance and I lost our initial deposit because we were going to have our wedding in St. Thomas.  Although we are paying for the wedding ourselves, I discussed with my Mom....prior to booking.  Well.....My darling Mom....waits until the first STD went out (with tentative pricing) and then decided it was too expensive.  We had also left a room block deposit of which we were able to get back.  Once we took a step back and realized that St. Thomas while beautiful was not AI and very expensive.  We went back to the drawing board and are now within 6 months of our wedding in Mexico. 


    I would find out from the resort....if they charge a fee for guests to attend the wedding & reception.  I would advise my guest of this additional fee and I would NOT under ANY circumstances offer to pay it. 


    As many of us have said (and already know)...the day is for us and our Future Hubbies.  Its so hard not to get aggravated though....


    Just concentrate on the two of you.  We are sending our invitations our tomorrow (has all of the travel agent info)....after that....I am done...

    I will not debate pricing or anything of the sort.  As much as I want people to be there, I look at it this way...the less people...the more intimate...the less money we will spend....


    Good Luck Girlie! 




  8. Ok.. I need some serious advice!!!!!!!!! Ive been recieving feedback from guest about the Royal/Gran Caribe being too expensive and they rather stay at ____ hotel instead since its more inexpensive, or been there before. So im making my guest stay at 1 of the 2 real resorts  for various reasons. Now i have looked up the packages for these "inexpesive resorts' and i find that A) All the packages in Cancun are similar in price, not a huge differrence, B) some of these resorts poeple want to stay at is either the same price or maybe $50 cheaper.. this is crazy!!!! why are people doing this to me???? !! I was about to chage the rules and allow guest to stay wherever and just pay the double for them to come to the wedding but now looking at what i found.. why should i ??!!!! any advice?? My immediate fam are all staying at the resort.. 

  9. Ok.. I need some serious advice!!!!!!!!! Ive been recieving feedback from guest about the Royal being too expensive and they rather stay at ____ hotel instead since its more inexpensive, or been there before. So im making my guest stay at the resort for various reasons. Now i have looked up the vpackages for these "inexpesive resorts' and i find that A) All the packages in Cancun are similar in price, not a huge differrence, B) some of these resorts poeple want to stay at is either the same price or maybe $50 cheaper.. this is crazy!!!! why are people doing this to me???? !! I was about to chage the rules and allow guest to stay wherever and just pay the double for them to come to the wedding but now looking at what i found.. why should i ??!!!! any advice?? My immediate fam are all staying at the resort.. 

  10. Thanks Jessica.. 


    Im just so passive sometimes and dont argue much but its ridiculous when it the same person!!!!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by JessicaAnne View Post

    Maybe you can tell them that your photographer captures stills through film and digital, in the form of 'streaming photography' aka video??? worth a shot.  That is rediculous, I would calmly tell them that it is unacceptable and work on speaking with the hotel GM...


    Believe me, I was going through the same thing, and seriously looking into alternatives to move everything 2 months ago, my wedding was falling apart before my eyes and I was half way across the country with no access to anyone that I had been working with since my WC was on maternity leave...)  ....but I kept trying to work with them, my TA got involved, I called the GM, I called the GM's assistant and I didnt give up until they treated me like a bride and not a bank account....I can tell you that things have gotten MUCH better, everyone at THE Royal is now very nice, they listen and have tried to work with us on things instead of against us.  Persistence does pay off, but be calm and assertive and don't let them push you around....this is YOUR day!  You do have to play by their rules, but they have the power to make the final desicions on what to charge you for...GOOD LUCK!!



  11. Thanks for your comment... and your right.. if this is what i truly want it should matter about "irritating people" at the end a DW is soo much cheaper and more stress free than a wedding in he USA and this is why i chose this also.. plus my dream is a beach wedding.. :o) I was just really having a hard time last night.. I spoke to my grandmother :o) and she made me see that as long as the immediate family is there. thats what important.. so im going to just chill and whoever makes it makes it.. my whole thing was the courtesy issues, be upfront and let me know.. that really bothered me..  but o well.. i kind of expected that reaction..

    Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

    I guess it just depends on how much you're spending. even if I eloped, I'd want a honeymoon, so there's half the cost of our wedding already (e.g. me + FI flights, hotel, activities for 10 days).


    although inflated, Mexico wedding costs are sooooo much less than those in the US. one of my reasons for having a destination wedding was not being able to find a reception venue for less than $7500 (PLUS photography, flowers - ARGH!!). for us, another $5K wouldn't have made much difference in our house downpayment (I mean it WOULD, but not critically), so I don't feel like it's bad to put it towards an intimate wedding, even though my original intention was 25 people. now, I'm happy that I'm saving so much, and I've even been able to plan a reception outside our resort (at Wicky's) to make it really, really special for my close family. : ) I never would have been able to do that with 25 people.


    on the flip side, I have a friend who hosted a small wedding locally. she was married at a free chapel and then took a small group (~15 people max) to dinner at a nice restaurant in town. I imagine she spent about the same as I will in Mexico.


    at the end, the only thing that's important is what YOU want. if you're really, truly fed up with the destination wedding thing and just want to elope, go for it! I had some friends do that, and they took a wonderful honeymoon to Barcelona. I think it's important to have your time with your FI and the memories, but I wouldn't NOT do something you want because other people are being irritating. I'd suggest sitting down with your FI and figuring out what you both really want and then pursuing that without reservation. the house is definitely important, but I don't know that I'd give up a small wedding for it. if I REALLY had to pick either/or, it would probably be the house because it's there every day, not just one. I think I'd still try to do SOMETHING, though - even if it was only $1K and the free chapel with cake and champagne afterwards.


    good luck with your decision. please let us know how it turns out.





  12. Thanks for your comment... and your right.. if this is what i truly want it should matter about "irritating people" at the end a DW is soo much cheaper and more stress free than a wedding in he USA and this is why i chose this also.. plus my dream is a beach wedding.. :o) I was just really having a hard time last night.. I spoke to my grandmother :o) and she made me see that as long as the immediate family is there. thats what important.. so im going to just chill and whoever makes it makes it.. my whole thing was the courtesy issues, be upfront and let me know.. that really bothered me..  but o well.. i kind of expected that reaction..

    Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

    I guess it just depends on how much you're spending. even if I eloped, I'd want a honeymoon, so there's half the cost of our wedding already (e.g. me + FI flights, hotel, activities for 10 days).


    although inflated, Mexico wedding costs are sooooo much less than those in the US. one of my reasons for having a destination wedding was not being able to find a reception venue for less than $7500 (PLUS photography, flowers - ARGH!!). for us, another $5K wouldn't have made much difference in our house downpayment (I mean it WOULD, but not critically), so I don't feel like it's bad to put it towards an intimate wedding, even though my original intention was 25 people. now, I'm happy that I'm saving so much, and I've even been able to plan a reception outside our resort (at Wicky's) to make it really, really special for my close family. : ) I never would have been able to do that with 25 people.


    on the flip side, I have a friend who hosted a small wedding locally. she was married at a free chapel and then took a small group (~15 people max) to dinner at a nice restaurant in town. I imagine she spent about the same as I will in Mexico.


    at the end, the only thing that's important is what YOU want. if you're really, truly fed up with the destination wedding thing and just want to elope, go for it! I had some friends do that, and they took a wonderful honeymoon to Barcelona. I think it's important to have your time with your FI and the memories, but I wouldn't NOT do something you want because other people are being irritating. I'd suggest sitting down with your FI and figuring out what you both really want and then pursuing that without reservation. the house is definitely important, but I don't know that I'd give up a small wedding for it. if I REALLY had to pick either/or, it would probably be the house because it's there every day, not just one. I think I'd still try to do SOMETHING, though - even if it was only $1K and the free chapel with cake and champagne afterwards.


    good luck with your decision. please let us know how it turns out.





  13. Thanks for your comment... and your right.. if this is what i truly want it should matter about "irritating people" at the end a DW is soo much cheaper and more stress free than a wedding in he USA and this is why i chose this also.. plus my dream is a beach wedding.. :o) I was just really having a hard time last night.. I spoke to my grandmother :o) and she made me see that as long as the immediate family is there. thats what important.. so im going to just chill and whoever makes it makes it.. my whole thing was the courtesy issues, be upfront and let me know.. that really bothered me..  but o well.. i kind of expected that reaction..

    Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

    I guess it just depends on how much you're spending. even if I eloped, I'd want a honeymoon, so there's half the cost of our wedding already (e.g. me + FI flights, hotel, activities for 10 days).


    although inflated, Mexico wedding costs are sooooo much less than those in the US. one of my reasons for having a destination wedding was not being able to find a reception venue for less than $7500 (PLUS photography, flowers - ARGH!!). for us, another $5K wouldn't have made much difference in our house downpayment (I mean it WOULD, but not critically), so I don't feel like it's bad to put it towards an intimate wedding, even though my original intention was 25 people. now, I'm happy that I'm saving so much, and I've even been able to plan a reception outside our resort (at Wicky's) to make it really, really special for my close family. : ) I never would have been able to do that with 25 people.


    on the flip side, I have a friend who hosted a small wedding locally. she was married at a free chapel and then took a small group (~15 people max) to dinner at a nice restaurant in town. I imagine she spent about the same as I will in Mexico.


    at the end, the only thing that's important is what YOU want. if you're really, truly fed up with the destination wedding thing and just want to elope, go for it! I had some friends do that, and they took a wonderful honeymoon to Barcelona. I think it's important to have your time with your FI and the memories, but I wouldn't NOT do something you want because other people are being irritating. I'd suggest sitting down with your FI and figuring out what you both really want and then pursuing that without reservation. the house is definitely important, but I don't know that I'd give up a small wedding for it. if I REALLY had to pick either/or, it would probably be the house because it's there every day, not just one. I think I'd still try to do SOMETHING, though - even if it was only $1K and the free chapel with cake and champagne afterwards.


    good luck with your decision. please let us know how it turns out.





  14. Thanks for your comment... and your right.. if this is what i truly want it should matter about "irritating people" at the end a DW is soo much cheaper and more stress free than a wedding in he USA and this is why i chose this also.. plus my dream is a beach wedding.. :o) I was just really having a hard time last night.. I spoke to my grandmother :o) and she made me see that as long as the immediate family is there. thats what important.. so im going to just chill and whoever makes it makes it.. my whole thing was the courtesy issues, be upfront and let me know.. that really bothered me..  but o well.. i kind of expected that reaction..

    Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

    I guess it just depends on how much you're spending. even if I eloped, I'd want a honeymoon, so there's half the cost of our wedding already (e.g. me + FI flights, hotel, activities for 10 days).


    although inflated, Mexico wedding costs are sooooo much less than those in the US. one of my reasons for having a destination wedding was not being able to find a reception venue for less than $7500 (PLUS photography, flowers - ARGH!!). for us, another $5K wouldn't have made much difference in our house downpayment (I mean it WOULD, but not critically), so I don't feel like it's bad to put it towards an intimate wedding, even though my original intention was 25 people. now, I'm happy that I'm saving so much, and I've even been able to plan a reception outside our resort (at Wicky's) to make it really, really special for my close family. : ) I never would have been able to do that with 25 people.


    on the flip side, I have a friend who hosted a small wedding locally. she was married at a free chapel and then took a small group (~15 people max) to dinner at a nice restaurant in town. I imagine she spent about the same as I will in Mexico.


    at the end, the only thing that's important is what YOU want. if you're really, truly fed up with the destination wedding thing and just want to elope, go for it! I had some friends do that, and they took a wonderful honeymoon to Barcelona. I think it's important to have your time with your FI and the memories, but I wouldn't NOT do something you want because other people are being irritating. I'd suggest sitting down with your FI and figuring out what you both really want and then pursuing that without reservation. the house is definitely important, but I don't know that I'd give up a small wedding for it. if I REALLY had to pick either/or, it would probably be the house because it's there every day, not just one. I think I'd still try to do SOMETHING, though - even if it was only $1K and the free chapel with cake and champagne afterwards.


    good luck with your decision. please let us know how it turns out.





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