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Everything posted by summafool1

  1. ahh congrats its coming soon!....mines april 2012 LOL, yeah i start planning early
  2. I know this is kind of random but i would rather my ceremony be in english....we are getting married at the elegance and was curious if any1 had the judge marry you before the actual ceremony? I am hoping the judge can do it even in our hotel room the same day, then a few hours later have our beach ceremony and have my aunt "marry us"....anyone know if this is at all possible or is it totally crazy thinking? Or...have the judge and my aunt kind of give the ceremony..maybe have my aunt start off and him do the vows? What is it exactly that he "must say" in spanish to make it legal.... Any help on the above would be so appreciated! Thanks for reading
  3. you dont happen to have a price list for them still, do you?
  4. so does anybody know about the above or have had to designate someone to help...just find that odd? any thoughts?
  5. TLG sounds great! I am doing the same with the ceremony congrats! whens ur wedding and where?
  6. yeah i think the aqua table cloth would be too much with all that...im going to do a aqua table runner probably instead...with the sashes..what do you think about that?
  7. thats weird I thought that they put them, up like the sashes on the chairs etc...yeah you can.
  8. question...I am having my reception/dinner at the wet bar hiring a dj etc...when i asked about if they charge extra to set up some decorations i brought...they said that i have to designate soemone to help them...anyone hear this also? or havesome help? just curious thanks!
  9. can the ceremony be done is full english or does it need to be in spanish to be legally married there?
  10. april 2012! far away but o well...punta cana Majestic!
  11. I have been to the grand palladium and would highly recomment it...i was there last april and i absolutely loved it...its a big resort (3 in one).. it was great...if you have any questions at all just let me know...i have lots of pics from there too (not wedding pics tho) lol....also if u want to know an answer to every question u can possibly think of on the palladium...join palladiumaddict.net....i got all my info and questions answered there before i went...im sure they have section for weddings also
  12. thats a good question lol..im thinking wearing flip flops are just as good as going barefoot
  13. very cute...why dont you just print out the sign you pasted above? and try to make the size bigger if its too small..
  14. eat drink and be merry ! love dave matthews..not sure if thats why u want it LOL...where do plan on putting this sign?
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