Thanks!! No, I don't think so, I may have commenting on the cake topper thread when I was slaving over it. I had the bright idea that I would save money if I did it myself, but trust me it was SUPER time consuming and I am pretty sure I cursed at it a couple times but I am happy with the turn out. - I ordered the basic D topper in silver mirror from etsy for $14.50. (though the shop seems to have closed since then, but there are other ones) - Crystals from:*girl*crystal/?_trksid=p4340.l2559 (super cheap and large quanity) - Then spent hours using hotfix applicator putting the crystals on. *** I also ordered the starfish and shells from: (they packed these babies AMAZINGLY!! I was so impressed with the price and how well the product was. Great service) Thanks again