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Posts posted by trivera5521

  1. Hi Ladies!!


    Hope everyone's planning is coming along. We are scheduled to go to Punta Cana to visit 4 of the resorts we have on our list for our May 2013 wedding. I have looked on a map and of course the resorts are not close to each other. I have been trying to do some research about renting a car to get from one resort to another but everyone says, STAY AWAY!!


    Can someone who has been to Punta Cana recently to do the same thing shed some light on this? Are the drivers really that bad? Are the roads just dirt as most of the sites are making it seem? How did you get from one resort to another, taxi's? Are the taxi's reasonably priced? Any other transportation options?


    Sigh...I am afraid I will spend more money in taxi fare getting to and from these resort then we spend on airfare from NY!


    Thanks a bunch!!

  2. Our love Story...


    I can't tell you how many people told me time and time again...dont look for love it will come to you. I spent countless hours searching local dating sites and going on dates and I just never met anyone that "did it for me". 27 years old I knew that I was done partying and I wanted to settled down and start a family. The bigger issue was finding the right person. I had exhausted myself and finally thought enough....I am done looking! Shortly after, my brother had a happy hour at a local bar. Naturally I would never date any of his friends, but towards the end of the night in walks...a CUTIE!! Totally my type, we locked eyes and as he walked over he says hi to my brother....Ugh! He's one of my brothers friends, there's no way this can work! About a half hour left until the place closed down he comes over and introduces himself and it was like the skys opened up. We spoke for hours! The bus boys and staff were cleaning up around us, hanging up chairs and locked the doors and we were still outside chatting it up. How could this amazing person be a friend of my brothers?!! We have been inseperable since that night. We moved in with each other a few months later, we brought a house a year later and 4 months after the house we got pregnant! Talk about move quickly?! I guess when you know it, you know it...and we knew it =)


    Christmas Eve and 8 months pregnant I am wobbling around the house trying to get ready to go to my moms for dinner and he calls me downstairs. He tells me something is wrong with the Christmas tree and I had to come and fix it, REALLY?! As I approach the tree I see an new ornament hanging from it. It was a personalized ornament of a ring and hand written was, "Will you Marry Me"??? I look even closer and there was a beautiful ring hanging from it!! As emmotional as I was from the pregnancy anyway, I managed to cut back the tears and sniffles and say yes!



    3 years later and we have a beautiful baby boy Kayden, a amazing home, we traveling throughout the carribean, are engaged and plannign a destination wedding! I couldnt be happier! He finishes my thoughts, hes my support system, he makes me laugh and cry and give me butterflies when I see him! We make a great team and I thank god for everything he has blessed me with and continues to bless me with!! â¥


  3. I've known that I wanted to do a destination wedding every since I could remember. Partly because I love the beach/ocean, I am not very traditional and because I couldnt justify spending $10-$20K on a wedding back home. In any event there are sooo many resorts to choose from and they all have great wedding packages that are more than affordable, however the cost for our guests is a bit much.


    Sigh, so now I am torn because I want to be sure that I have my dream wedding but at the same time make it affordable for our friends and family to come. We would all be flying out of NY.


    Ladies....has anyone found a resort that is actually affordable for your guests? I am hoping to stay within the $800 per person range for a 4night/5day vacation including airfare of course.




    Torn in NY feedback.gif

  4. Its such a big decision to make and so many determining factors for us that no...I havent decided yet. I definetly want to be sure its affordable for family and friends to attend. As most are familes of 4-5. I have a few resorts that we plan on visiting in Feb 2012, them being Barcelo Punta Cana, Paradisus Punta Cana and Ocean Blue. I am leaning towards Barcelo because it seems to be the most affordable for everyone else. Unfortunately the reviews are all over the place and there are very few brides on this forum that have or plan to have their wedding there. Which as you can imagine makes me a bit paranoid, although one bride just got back within the last couple of months and had nothing bad to say. I suppose you have to take the reviews with a grain of salt because some people you can just never please.


    Lucky for you, your FI said anywhere in the world =) If money wasnt a big factor for me I would have opted to have it at the Jellyfish Restaurant...its absolutely gorgeous! They do an anazing job and I havent seen one bad thing about them. Have you looked into that?


    I am from Connecticut. Most places wont allow us to book until 13 months prior to so at this point I am using the time to do some research.

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