Aqua and Coco can you please tell me what shade of blue you used from the attached swatches? I am having such a hard time matching colors to a PDF grrr. Also, upon check in the resort gives all guests lil goodies right? If I understand correctly there are passes in each bag for the water park for the kids. Is this per bag or for only the guests that have children? Is it a free pass or discounted off the original $20 per day? I know this has been answered previously but how much is it to have some sort of a sound system during the ceremony? I know it was a ridiculous price but I have always dreamnt of walking down the aisle to Canon D and trying to justify the expense. Ladies, thoughts on the colored linen napkins? Think they are $3 a napkin and I am hoping to bring them with us but again its about matching the color to the resort color. Think its a nice touch for the tables but not sure. Coco or WTurner, have you had any luck with uploading your videos that Tropical Pictures did? I am so anxious to see a video! Fingers crossed..
Color Options BBPD[1].pdf