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Everything posted by belledame

  1. Wow Tori, you did an awesome job!! I think you should start your own wedding business : )
  2. That's a great idea to do the Dunns River Falls tour.....I will be looking into that as a treat for my guests as well! Thanks for the info J and G 2012.
  3. @Butterfly, You look gorgeous!!! Don't even sweat the small stuff (the scale). You are working that dress.
  4. Love the engagement pics! Super cute DIY bridesmaids cards.
  5. @ Brendee Sorry about you disappointment....I can't imagine how after you've tried on the sample,your dress came in a larger size. I hope that was not done purposely in order to gain profit. I'm with redginger, if they're charging you a hefty price for alterations, take it to another shop.
  6. @ Sunny You definitely do not need the sash....the dress is gorgeous without it. It might make it look busy with the design in the back.
  7. @ J and G....your mug looks amazing! I can imagine your excitement!! They did an awesome job.
  8. Beautiful Wedding! Love the floral decorations.
  9. Wow, Jan's Flowers prices are really good! Has anyone used her services as yet? Any feedback?
  10. Thanks for the link! Definitely saving this seller...the prices + free shipping =A++++
  11. Hello! Congratulations and happy planning!! Check out these places: Aruba, St. Lucia, Grenada, US Virgin Island, British Virgin Island, or Cayman Island. I think Jamaican can fit in your budget, it all depends on what hotel you're getting married at. Also, is your wedding during high season or low season? This can also cause a major difference in prices and rates for hotels.
  12. @ Acw... Thanks for sharing....your pictures are amazing!! Did you go offsite at all to take any pictures, or were they all taken on the resort grounds?
  13. Thanks for the heads up! I received a creepy private message from Elvirebaby a few days ago. Asking for my email so he/she can send me pics. I blocked and reported this person.
  14. @ JayKay he sent his 2012 price list....the basic package (preparation-reception) is $1600 and 'trash the dress' is an additional $350. He did not mention giving me 2011 prices,although I contacted him this year. He said he will send the 2012 price list and I can check back in 2012 for the 2013 price list. I guess with popularity, the prices soar!!
  15. Oh thanks a bunch Beachbum! I will check out these stores in spring/summer. Thanks for the great idea!
  16. ShellBell, You look absolutely stunning! Love the dress....awesome pic!
  17. I actually like this new trend! It's definitely outside the box, some the pics look great!
  18. @ JayKay I contacted Merrick Cousley. He emailed me his 2012 price list and I'm certain they will be higher for 2013.....yikes, lol
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