I need your help and advice. I got engaged on December 14, 2010. My FI gave me a ring which was exactly what I wanted - white gold, solitaire with cathedral setting. Here are some pictures: For the first few months I had my ring I never had any problems. The problems started at the end of March. One day I looked down and noticed that one of the prongs holding the diamond up was completely bent over and the diamond was almost falling out. I immediately took it off and took it to the store my FI bought it from. They had to send it away to be fixed, which took 3 weeks. They called me when It came in and I went to pick it up and my ring looked awful. All four prongs were really crooked and when you looked at the ring from the side everything was not centered and was tipped to one side. I told them immediately and once again they had to send it away to be fixed, which was another 4 weeks. Well everything seemed to be fine until today, when I looked down and noticed that the diamond was once again loose and I could spin it in a complete circle and one of the prongs was once again bent over. I'm not hard on my ring, I don't wear it to work and I try my best to be careful with it. Once again I had to take it to the store my FI bought it from and they sent it away, this time it will take 4 weeks. I absolutely love my solitaire ring, but I dont want to have to send it away every few months to get fixed, especially when my FI paid a lot of money for it! I'm considering having my ring melted down and reset into a different setting, maybe a lower setting with more protection for my diamond, or with stronger, thicker prongs. Has anyone done this or thought of doing this? Was it expensive? I'm just really worried that if I do it I will regret it. Any opinions or advice would be appreciated!