Hi Ladies, I am leaving on the 16th And so Excited!!! We are expecting about 40 or so guests and I have a fun group going, so I know we will have a BLAST! Anyways, while Im in the spirit just wanted to give a brief overview of whats happening in my life (it may help someone else). I have a LOT of crap to travel with. I plan on splitting some of my stuff with family and friends, and the rest I will just have to pay the extra cost to travel with. I don't trust shipping anything before hand. I have OOT bags that I split up the contents between my bridesmaids (they actually get there the day before me). I orderded my oot bags from the knot wedding shop. I can't find a pic of them, but I found these.And I'm mad cause they're cuter than mine, I wish I would have seen them before. Anyways, mine are blue and I used white bubble/fabric paint to write our wedding date on each of them. By the way the bags are about 1.50 a piece. In the bage I have a travel sun tan lotion ($1), travel advil ($2) both from target, disposable camera also from the knot wedding shop $1.99 each A jamaica brochure that I ordered from the Jamaica tourism board free. Itinerary I printed myself. Room keyholder with an insert I ordered from vista print that has some cute saying about "to have and to hold your key" etc. And flip flops I got from the dollar store for a dollar. (I would put pics, but most of the stuff I started packing up). I just picked up my dress Friday I got my bridesmaids dresses from Macys. I paid for them since I only have 2 bridesmaids (cousin and sister) and I figured they already have to spend so much to travel. I ordered these super cute boutineers online. I spent maybe $45 dollars for 4 of them, including shipping. And lucky for me my flower girls had dresses baskets and everything else they needed. And sorry for the disorganization, but just found pics of my OOT bags: I decided to do my ceremony on the terrace, dinner at either the cajun restaurant or Uncle Tony's non private and then head back to the terrace to cut cake, do speeches, dance/dj, and champagne. I'm not going to do open bar, because I hear the lobby bar is really close to the terrace. I'll probably make my little cousin into a server LOL. And here are some pics of the terrace ladies:......Awww, they are not posting........Sorry I also made these fans, which my programs will sit on and be placed in each chair. And I ordered this lovely guest book set: I also have aqua blue chair sashes, about 100 votive candles with vellum paper around them in my colors, 6,000 white petals, 2,000 tiffany blue (I plan to line the aisle with them), 20 white paper lanters to hang on terrace, and 20 tiffany blue paper lanterns, H cake topper...I think thats it...... So two weeks from today I will be at the airport!!!!!!! If you ladies have any questions its probable best to email me at
[email protected]. Oh and my resort is IRHB and date is 6.18.11. Also, if anyone is arriving on or before 6.20.11 (after the 20th were honeymooning in Negril) and wants to buy my flower petals, lanterns, or chair sashes email or PM me. I'm so excited!