That's true; there are some mean people in the world!! I guess if all else fails, you could hold it on your lap!? Does your resort offer free steaming?
I'm really impressed with all your DIY projects!! You're definitely an inspiration!! Everything turned out GREAT!!!!! I was just thinking today that I wanted to turn my guest room into a "wedding workshop" room! Love that I'm not the only one! haha!
People are always willing to bend over backwards for brides!! I would ask the flight attendants if they have a personal closet or overhead bin. If not, make it known that you're getting married and I've read that another bride got her own overhead bin because people were willing to help and make room for "the dress"!!!! Good luck!
OMG!!!! This is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!! This is my biggest fear that people will not get out of the pics! hahahaha! I'm sorry, but it makes for a great story and memory!
I agree I want to look HOT in a swimming suit! I feel like there's so much pressure on us because we will be in a swimming suit all week on the beach and we have to look awesome!!!!!
I really like #1 and #3!!! I'm obsessed with pink though! I like the idea of #2, but would be afraid it would block your guests view of one another!? Good luck!!!
This is a great idea! Unfortunately I was going to say try ebay also....maybe something will pop up! Please post pics when you do find one and are finished!!! I can't wait to see what it looks like!
Your bags turned out GREAT! You've motivated me to start paying more attention to my local ads etc. for coupons!!!! I love that show by the way "extreme couponing"! haha!
Have you decided when you'll give the bags yet? I think the welcome party is a great idea!!
Tae123, Have you tried pilates?! I've heard it really helps tone AND take inches off the thigh area? I unfortunately can't speak from experience, but I've tried it a few times and really enjoyed the classes!! Good luck!!!