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Everything posted by coones

  1. That is so pretty! The pictures make me more and more excited!!!! Where are all of you ladies having your receptions? Ours is on the beach!
  2. Thanks for the webpage! These flowers are beautiful!!!
  3. Can I ask probably a silly question because I should probably know the answer, but........What is a BD book?
  4. That sounds like a fun adventure for the boys! But I like the sound of the girls day better! Yes, 5 will be much better!
  5. I didn't find any at the Target by my house either. I will definitely be on the look out though!
  6. Thanks for the info! I want to make sure I am following the rules!
  7. Does anyone know what the script is if you aren't doing the legal ceremony?
  8. 1 to 2 pounds a weeks sounds pretty good to me! Definitely something to look in to!
  9. Thanks everyone for all the input!!! The more I think about it I also really want the first time him seeing me is when I walk down the aisle! A couple of weeks ago the 5pm slot was open! I think I am going to try to change it!
  10. Does WW have an approximate number of pounds that you should loss per month? Maybe this is something I should look in to. I need some motivation!
  11. coones

    150 posts!

    I have probably been on here for over a month, but never posted. Now I really want to read a review by one of the brides who just had her wedding at the Dreams Cancun and all the wonderful comments I keep hearing are making me so jealous! I need to get on the ball of posting! The other good part to posting is I am venturing out to other good threads because I was pretty much following the same two!!!
  12. Where did you get your silk fans from? I've been looking but have not had much luck. Thanks!
  13. I found some $1 sunscreens, but Aloe is such a good idea! I will have to start my search even though I may need to wait closer to the summer!
  14. I just went to a wedding expo this last wedding and I absolutely fell in love with the photobooth idea. I am getting married in Cancun so thank you so much for the webpage. I will check in to it!
  15. Hello Ladies! I am curious what time of the day everyone is getting married. I am getting married at Dreams Cancun on June 3. Right now I am scheduled in as a sunset wedding, which I am guessing is about 7ish, but I am starting to think maybe I should switch it to the 5 o'clock ceremony. I am second guessing this because if we do a sunset wedding we will have to take pictures before the wedding ceremony if we want sunlight. I am sure sunset pictures are beautiful, but the sunset only last for a short amount of time before it becomes dark. If we do it at 5 then we can take pictures after the ceremony and the groom doesn't have to see me before the actual ceremony. I don't know..... What are you girls doing and what is your opinion?!?!?!?
  16. I am getting married in Dreams Cancun too on June 3, 2011. I booked with a travel agent who contacted Dreams for me and they sent her the 2011 Wedding Guide, which includes details of the packages, prices for extras, the selections for cakes, flowers, etc. You may already have this, but if not I can send it to you. Let me know.
  17. Naming the tables after places you have traveled is such a wonderful idea! I had some friends that did this and it was so cool getting to see a glimpse of the many wonderful times they have already had together!
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