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Everything posted by NurseM

  1. I can not say thank you enough girls for the all the information you have provided on here. I am getting married at Dreams may 24, 2011 and feel so at ease reading about Juan and the photography i was really stressing about that. Also about how good Claudia is. I am getting so so excited. Can anyone tell me how much it was to get their MOH and BM hair/makeup done? How about the cost of BM bouquets was it worth it?
  2. Have you tried to make your email urgent some brides say this is the best way to get her to respond quickly. I have rec'd emails from her in the past week one yesterday. I know she was out of the office from christmas until jan 3rd but was occ checking her email. I hope this helps and she gets back to you
  3. Ha Ha thanks! I didn't think it would be this easy but it is. Now I really don't have all that much to do, I just thought I should get all that initial stuff done because it is only 5 months away
  4. does anyone know how much a welcome/rehearsal dinner is?? I have emailed Claudia but she hasn't told me yet..
  5. which airline added flights?? we have family flying from calgary ab and boston and we are flying from Houston
  6. Let me start by saying, I could not have asked for a more special and amazing proposal. My finacee is american and I am Canadian, we live in the states right now but met overseas. We decided to go to Canada to be with my family for Christmas. We had been discussing marriage and looked at rings about 6 months ago. My name is Michele and nickname is Mitchy, so he kept saying its "Mitchmas" this year instead of Christmas! He always spoils me so i didn't know what he meant. Christmas eve we had a big dinner at my Uncle's how, the same place my fiancee met my whole family. There was about 20 of us there, 11 being immediate family members. We finished dinner did a gift exchange, and the whole time my fiancee was acting a bit odd just not relaxed but I thought he was tired we had gone out the night before. After the gift exchange he said "Oh i made christmas cards for everyone with a song that i wrote for everyone to sing" He had told me about this so I already knew....He handed out the cards and they were numbered, he told everyone to line up by the number they had. Well i still had no idea. I had number 11 and my mom was next to me with number 10. He asked everyone to open there card and start reading what it said.....So one by one, they read out Michele "my last name" you are the love of my life will you ?. I was holding the question mark by that point everyone was crying my fiancee was on one knee and i was crying.....the rest is a blur.....It was amazing he knows my family is so important, so to involve them was so special. We are getting married in May at Dreams Cancun
  7. Wright travel agency has been great! Within a week we had the contract for our room block and now it takes away all the stress of me having to field the questions of our guests about the resort and booking. They can just talk to the travel agent instead. I am getting so so excited and having the travel agent is such a sigh of relief.
  8. My dress wont be in till middle of feb either I am getting so so nervous because I need to add a corset back to it as well. I also have so much to think about for centerpieces and oot bags
  9. NurseM

    150 posts!

    where do you see how many posts you have made???
  10. NurseM

    New member

    Me and my fiancee took a trip to Ochos Rio Sandals in Jamaica and saw a few weddings going on while we were there, I loved that resort and the whole sandals feel. We were thinking about going back to there to get married but decided on mexico instead. Good Luck with the planning
  11. Hey everyone, So everything is confirmed I am getting married at Dreams Cancun May 24th 2011, just got engaged Christmas eve, really quick planning.....ahhh sooo excited but so overwhelmed. Thank god for finding this website!!! Dress bought Bridesmaids dresses bought Invitations ordered Room block and travel agent found and done! Looking forward to the rest of the planning.
  12. Hey everyone, I am new to the site, getting married May 24th at Dreams Cancun...nervous about flights they are all getting expensive or sold out. Does anyone have any good advice or doing group rates for flights??
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