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Everything posted by krsmith

  1. I was TERRIFIED to go dress shopping at first! I was so worried I would go and I wouldn't be able to get anything on far enough to even see what it would look like. Try on lots of different styles. I ended up getting something that I wouldn't have originally thought would flatter me. You never know what you will fall in love with! Just relax and go with someone who will be supportive (but honest) and have fun! It won't be as bad as you think it will be! Definitely try Davids Bridal and Alfred Angelo. I only tried DB, and didn't love anything. I wish I would have tried AA, I think their dresses look much better quality than DB. Good luck and stay positive!
  2. You look so beautiful! I love your bridesmaid dresses and your hair...ok I love EVERYTHING! Congrats!
  3. This is awesome! I LOVE Enrique! What a great gift from your BMs! LOL
  4. I think they are both absolutely gorgeous, but I like the Demetrios dress better. I think it flatters you more. The neckline makes your chest look a little more defined (in a good way..not a slutty way!), and also makes your body look a little more hour glass shaped. I think the ruffles maybe add a little bulk to you. BUT either one you chose, you will look PHENOMENAL!
  5. This looks great! Maybe put another graphic on receipt 2? It might help tie it all in together. I love it though! So far so good!
  6. Hello Jetsettinbride! No I do not use that! That does not contain REAL HCG. If you want to get real HCG, you either have to get a prescription for it or get it from out of the country. I get mine from alldaychemist.com. I take the Rx HCG in sublingual form. I have a HUGE phobia of needles, so I decided this was the best method. There is a new movement of homeopathic HCG. I think most are scams, but just do your research to make sure that you are getting the product you want! There are some great websites out there. Before you do anything, make sure you read Dr Simeons "Pounds and Inches". Try to read ALL of it...the more informed you are the more successful you will be! Good Luck!
  7. That is SOOO great! WOW 5.8 in 5 days! Congrats! I was lucky not to have any gain from my cheat, however I have stalled! I guess I'd rather stall than gain. I'm hoping tomorrow the scale will go down again. So for me I am R2P2D10, and only down 5.8...DARN! But I am staying on track and making sure I don't do anything that might make me want to cheat! I am shooting for the full 40 days, but I don't know if I will make it! Haha another 33 days seems like FOREVER! I guess we will see! Are you exercising? Keep up the FANTASTIC work!
  8. Congrats! We were also going to do 11-11-11 but it was pretty darn booked! So fun! Deciding where is the HARDEST part!
  9. Hello ladies! Any other brides getting married in February in Cancun? I am getting married Valentines Day 2012 at Moon Palace! There is still so much planning to do, but I am on my way. At times it feels a little overwhelming, but as I get things checked off the list and make my mind up about certain things, I think it will get better! This forum has helped so much! Because our date is Vday, I'm trying to incorporate that somewhat into our theme. It's going to be tough...there are so many great ideas out there! Is there anything special you KNOW you want to do for your big day? Good luck to all you brides!
  10. krsmith

    150 posts!

    YAY!! I'm dying to get there! I could really use some of the templates!
  11. I ordered plastic bottles too! I haven't gotten mine yet, but I'm excited they look good and not CHEAP! Yay! I was trying to figure out if we were going to send them in something or not...I guess it makes sense. Then you can put any additional info in with it!
  12. I LOVE these!! I want to make my own too...WAY more affordable! I really like the sleeves you made! I would love the templates if you have them! [email protected]
  13. I love these! I hope I will be able to do as well on mine! Where did you get your postcard RSVPs? I like that idea...easy for everyone!
  14. UPDATE! Loading the first 2 days was tough! You'd think it would be fun to eat all your favorite foods ALL day long...but it is not easy! Even though you feel that sickening fullness, you have to keep eating! Over the 2 loading days I gained 2.4lbs...not too bad considering! As of today, I have been on HCG for week! It has been a tough week (kinda hungry the first couple days) and tonight I slipped and had some Milk Duds and Popcorn at a movie we went to tonight (OOPS!!). Ugh...as on any diet, you just want to smack yourself after you eat something you shouldn't, but I won't see the damage until tomorrow when I weigh myself! BUT I will just get back on the band wagon and not let myself completely fall off course. Week One: down 5.6 lbs (after loading)! PLEASE Lord don't let my cheat totally mess me up!
  15. WaHoo!! That would be aweome! Yay for La Luna and Del Sol! I would totally get one of their groupons!
  16. Oh nevermind! Ha ha I guess I wasn't paying attention! I found the patterns!
  17. This is a great idea! What a GREAT deal! I didn't see the patterned ones though...
  18. I have been going back and forth with this also. I get my bouquet and my FI bout included with our package, but I won't get my other flowers through the resort...its INSANE what they are trying to charge people. I will either do real touch or call a florist out of the resort and have them deliver it as a "gift". The only problem with both options is with real touch I will have to bring them with along with ALL the other stuff I will have to try and fit in...and with getting them while I'm there, I will have to actually have to put them together when I get there (day of?). Decisions decisions...
  19. So I called today about getting my contract sent via email instead of snail mail because I was worried I wouldn't get it in time to get it back to them before they released our date! I was told that they are STILL waiting to hear back from the minister if he is available, and once they know, they will email/fax it to us straight away and ASSURED us that the date and time is ours! Whew! So now I am just going to be waiting... but once it is confirmed and we sign the contract, I will be trying to make sure we get the locations we want! Hopefully this won't be too hard!
  20. YAY! Congrats! Everything looks fabulous (including you)! I am also a MP bride (2012) and can't wait to see your review/pictures when you get back!
  21. Everything looks so amazing! I love the boudoir pictures! I want to do something like this too.
  22. This is so helpful! I have never been to a ceremony that is not Catholic, so when thinking about ours (symbolic ceremony) I had NO CLUE what it would include!
  23. Oh I'm so glad to hear it! That makes me feel so relieved! The less stress the better!
  24. I love this posting! Everyone has such great centerpieces. Thank you for all the awesome ideas!
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