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Everything posted by krsmith

  1. I'm still torn...I feel like I should have some white in MY bouquet, but my colors are different shades of pink and a touch of green! For my BM I am thinking more green and some shades of pink. These are some inspiration pics I have: Mine: OR And BMs:
  2. I am doing shades of pink (fuschia, medium pinks, light pink) and a little accent of light green! I figured we needed to have LOTS of pink since it will be on Vday!
  3. I would definitely say something. This is YOUR wedding and you don't need the extra stress. Try and say it in a nice way, maybe something like "I know finances might be a little tight for you with having another baby, and I know things can be stressful with having/trying to have a baby, so I want you to just focus on that instead of being a bridesmaid." Kind of make it sound like you are looking out for her instead of "firing" her as a BM. I went through the same feelings...had a total flaky and unreliable BM and she stresses me out MORE than anything else. We postponed our wedding last spring, so when we made the decision to go forward with a DW, I made sure to emphasize I was keeping it SIMPLE and only having my sisters this time around.
  4. STILL haven't gotten the confirmation from the Minister yet! I guess its ok since we have more recently decided we might want to do the Catholic ceremony. I was raised Catholic and my FI became a Catholic last year. We don't go to church regularly, and with how much work (and $$) it takes to get married in the Catholic church, we originally decided we wanted to do a symbolic/civil ceremony. I showed my mom the pictures of the Chapel Gazebo, and just couldn't stop talking about how beautiful a Catholic ceremony would be in there. I feel like we should just do it, as that is REALLY important to my mom. She already wasn't to comfortable with the idea of a Mexico wedding, so I feel like I should at least give her that. UGH!!! Decisions decisions! We will be calling either this weekend or on Monday to check in with what is taking SOOOO long, and see if doing a Catholic ceremony would be an option. I'm hoping they could also let us do a civil one so we can have our date be our REAL anniversary too. I need to send out STD asap, but I am waiting to hear from MP so I can set everything up with our TA. Seems a little daunting!
  5. These are so awesome! You look beautiful! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun too!
  6. WOW! This picture is so creative! I love it! Who knew rain would be such a great setting?!
  7. These are STUNNING! You look great! Are you kidding?!?! I only hope I look as good on my big day! I LOVE LOVE LOVE del Sol's pictures! They are so fantastic! If only I could afford them...ahhh I girl can dream!
  8. I will definitely be ordering from them! You can't beat such a great price!
  9. Oh this is great! I have such a particular style set in my mind, and I'm not finding anything close enough!
  10. Oh good! This will save me a lot of time! I was thinking I had NO IDEA what to play! Great thanks!
  11. Thanks ladies! I can see how people could get easily overwhelmed...but I'm trying to take things one at a time! We do have over a year, so I think this will help!
  12. I think that is IF you chose to use that. If you want a dinner on the beach that would be considered a private function. If you want to do a private reception on the beach with a dinner menu (buffet only...for plated menu you have to be inside) you have to pay $400/table of 10. You could maybe use the dinner reservation for something else? Maybe welcome dinner?
  13. WOW these pictures are STUNNING! The bride looks so fabulous in both ceremonies! Awwww congrats!
  14. I am getting so anxious! We are STILL waiting to hear back from the minister to see if he is available! Still NO contract signed and turned in...they told us the date is locked in but I won't feel more at ease until we send in that contract! I'm hoping we hear from them by the end of the week.
  15. I am dealing with the same thing. We are going to use La Luna for our photography. I am hoping they will let us just do the day passes. Although I think Melissa at La Luna said once we get our contract number, to let her know, and I think SHE will deal with them. If that didn't work, I'm tempted to not say anything and just buy day passes for my "guests" staying off site....yeah it might be a little devious, but c'mon they need to make up their minds and give everyone a straight answer. PLUS a nights stay is a little pricey...
  16. I LOVE the first one! I think its perfect for the beach...very flowy and romantic!
  17. I love dress #4! It fits you so well! I not big on halters though...
  18. I love your dress! There is no rule that says you have to wear a DW type dress anyways! You look beautiful!
  19. This is great! I definitely want to focus on things people will actually use! The dry paks are a GREAT idea!
  20. It is really good! Make sure you put A LOT of chili powder. I love it! Its best the next day, as it gives all the spices time to really soak in! I make a bunch and then take them with me to work for lunch! The people who have lost that much weight are generally the people with 100+ lbs to lose. And thats typically only in the first week or so. It is more normal for for women to lose .5 lbs a day. That is more realistic...and it will make sure your body can stabilize better when you are off this phase. Don't worry, you are right on track! I know how you feel about cake...I LOVE CAKE!!! Just know if you do have some, expect a gain or a stall that could last a few days. I just TODAY lost some weight since Saturday because of my cheat. Just really think about it before you do it. But I totally understand!
  21. Don't worry! It will not mess your metabolism up. If anything it will help it! The goal of this program is to actually reset your hypothalamus to recognize your lower body weight as a "base" or more normal weight. I can send you some links with more info. I haven't had a problem at all!
  22. Thank you thank you!! The picture that I had up as my profile picture? That was a dress I wore for my FI cousin's wedding in Portland in December. It really was fun to wear! So many people stopped and asked me where I got it! I found it at White House Black Market. I love that store! I was shocked how well all the dresses fit considering being "plus size"! I unfortunately didn't get a picture of my whole body wearing it but this is what it looked like:
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