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Everything posted by krsmith

  1. Wow Amelia! These photos are phenomenal! Juan did such an amazing job! The picture in the beginning with your father crying totally made me tear up. He looks like such a caring father. I also loved the processional through the streets! That looked like so much fun! You of course are a beautiful bride. You and your hubby look like you will have a wonderful life together! Juan really did do an amazing job capturing so many emotions! Congrats!!
  2. I hope so too! I think my little sisters could look really cute in them...the question is if they will like the dresses...they are 18 and pretty particular. I think my older sister will really like it if it fits her well. My order shipped today and we have about 10 months until the big day, so hopefully they will be able to practice practice practice! Does anyone know of a good website I can provide for them with instructions on the many ways to wear them?
  3. Oh you guys have BEAUTIFUL pictures! How exciting! You guys look so happy! YAY congrats!
  4. Oh my gosh! Thank you for all these pics! They are awesome! I was thinking I wanted to do a reception at the Caribbean Terrace (or maybe now called Moon Top??), but once I heard about the XTRA set up fees, I think I would do a terrace by the beach. Now just to decide on either Tucan or Vernado...tough one!
  5. Very true! Luckily my little sisters are a little taller than me 5'1, and maybe a 100lbs. They DEFINITELY don't have big boobs! My older sister is maybe 5'3, and also slender...she has more of a chest though...HMMMMMM I was thinking is would be almost impossible to wear these dresses with a bra... And to think I almost bought one for myself...I'm about a D cup! YIKES! Haha!
  6. Wow! Vincent did an amazing job! You looked beautiful! I love that you used a string of roses for your lazo ceremony! Congrats!
  7. That is where I was looking! I did end up buying them in Hot Pink...I just hope they like them and the color is OK. I almost bought one for myself!
  8. Thanks! Good to know! The only people I'm worried about not liking them are my 17 year old sisters...they are very opinionated and only wear what is "cool". LOL oh to be young...
  9. I was thinking about buying convertible dresses for my BMs, but I would love to know how they look on ACTUAL girls! All the pictures are of super skinny models...I would love to hear anyone who's bought the dresses' opinion! Would people be willing to share pics and reviews on Convertible Dresses?? The ones I'm looking at are the Ravon dresses that are on Ideeli right now! Thanks ladies!
  10. Hey ladies! Just wanted to let you know that RIGHT NOW there are a TON of different colors of convertible dresses on sale at http://www.ideeli.com/! They are $69 normally $198. I think I'm going to buy the pink!
  11. You need to go onto their website and fill out a request form. http://weddings.palaceresorts.com/ They do take their sweet time in responding. If you are at all like me I am impatient, so I CALLED the number on the website a couple days after I sent in the request in. The thing you have to remember about this whole thing is that you will be waiting quite a bit. They do a ton of weddings, so of course they get behind!
  12. Ok ladies I'm about to start my next round of HCG next week! I think I will start loading on EASTER! LOTS of good food to load on on that day! I will update as i go!
  13. Oh this is awesome! I'm glad people are interested! I think I would need around 50ish...hard to say at this point...we have about 25 confirmed "YES" responses, but we invited like 120 people. I think if enough of us were in on it we could make the 250 easily! Woo Hoo! 299 DAY FOR MEEEEEE!!!!
  14. I don't really know...something pretty simple. I wonder if they could do more than one? If not, maybe a Starfish or Palm Tree and something like "Cancun 2012".
  15. Stadium cups like these: http://www.vendodirect.com/cucochmostcu.html
  16. Just bought my first items for our OOT bags! Woo Hoo! Some cute little scented hand sanitizers for $1 at Target! They came in blue, green, and orange! Not our colors but I'm am ok with that! I decided to buy 50...a TOTAL guesstimate! I hope I don't end up with a large surplus after wards...or somehow run out! So excited!! Now I really need to sit down and think about what I want to put in the bags for sure! I really like those color changing cups, but they only sell in BULK! Anyone be interested in going in on some?
  17. Great job! I love your OOT bags and everything in them! Thanks for the great ideas!
  18. My FI and I set a couple up just in case. There will always be the people who DON'T come that might want to send a gift, so I figured it would make it easier for those people. However, we registered at a few places with nothing being very outrageous in cost...I don't want to give people the impression that we expect them to give us lavish gifts. We also have set up our "weddingmoon" account so people could contribute to that instead if they like. Although the only thing I am having a hard time with is wording it all in a way that doesn't sound like we expect anything. But we do have all of them posted on our website!
  19. Coconoir- My photographer is Rachel from La Luna! Eeek! I don't know how to go about it all!
  20. Oh man... I haven't even thought about my contract...I was thinking I just wasn't going to say anything and buy a couple day passes for my Photographers....and I think I will be using Deco Cancun, so other than that I don't know if I will be using other outside vendors...I might try and be sneaky and order my flowers from a local florist and have them delivered like a few other brides have done...although I don't know how they explained it to the coordinator... Ugh all this makes me just stress! It shouldn't have to be this hard! Have any of you ladies looked into other ways to get the stuff you are bringing down there? I was thinking about it and don't know how I can fly a bunch of tea light holders and what not down there...it will weight A TON! I was thinking about trying to find a shipping depot or something, and then pick our packages up when we get there. I don't even know if that is possible....
  21. This is amazing! I also was thinking about doing lanterns and throwies! You have given me some great ideas. Thank you!!
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