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Everything posted by Vettiebean

  1. @AfricanVenus Thank you!! Although, I really can't take the credit. He picked it out all by himself as a surprise. I had no idea. He said he knew I loved pink and wanted to choose something for me, with just me/my personality in mind, that he felt was different from others somehow. I love it! @Pucca, now I'm going to have to search for the hubby ring thread! lol This is technically my "study" time... hmm can I consider this research? It's still kiiiiinda productive, right?
  2. Hi everyone, I have heard different stories about whether you need to book a room for a night or simply get day passes for photographers. Anyone have more info on this? Thanks!!
  3. Hi ladies, for those of you who are using outside photographers, how are you getting them in? Buying day passes? Buying a night's stay? I've heard different stories on this. Trying to get more info! Much appreciated!
  4. Hi ladies! I was planning on doing the same thing. Wear my Ering on my right hand during the ceremony, then transfer it back to the left hand after. However, the shape of my Ering doesn't go with the band we're getting. And, we're actually having the little courthouse ceremony first (possibly even several months far in advance). So, for the courthouse ceremony (very informal, but hey, what not?), we're getting me a set of rose gold/pink sapphire bands for the legal ceremony. I'll keep the rings on my right hand, and then just have my left hand ready to go for the "real" wedding in Mexico.
  5. Hello, ladies!! We just made official arrangements with Sascha for our wedding in Nov. SOOOO EXCITED! We will be using two photographers for two different shoots, but Sascha will be our photographer for the wedding day. I'm excited to work with him. All the reviews I've read have been very good and his folio/blog are great. Just hoping (and fingers crossed) for beautiful pictures to capture our special day.
  6. @JLR Hi!! We're barely days apart for our wedding! What days are you going to be there? Cool to find another Nov bride on here! Hi everyone! 11.1.11 here. I'm sure I'll keep checking back through this thread, especially down the road and closer to the wedding date. No private function here. Complimentary vow ceremony and adding extras as we need. Lots of stuff already picked out, but soooo much more to go! Happy planning, everyone!
  7. @Pucca Thank you!!! It totally makes my day every time I look at it. Not sure if you can tell in the pic, but it's cushion cut (pink sapphire), small diamonds on the side, white gold. We're actually getting legally married at the courthouse then having the DW after. So for the courthouse ceremony, we're buying a set of rose gold and pink sapphire eternity bands for me. Then, I'll switch the Ering and bands to my right hand. I'm leaving my left ring finger for the "real" wedding band, and that's all I'll wear on that hand. We should post our future hubby's rings, too! I really love his. lol
  8. I sort of went a little crazy with the shoe thing... actually, with dresses, too. BUT, to be fair, we're having the DW, then intimate dinners with our respective families in Austin/San Antonio, Los Angeles, and either Captiva (in Florida), Chicago, or Vancouver. Sooo... yes. That's my justification. The other justification is that my shoe size is always out. So, once I find a shoe I like, I have to jump on it. I've had several "*&^&^%# Missed my chance!!!" moments. Initially, I lusted after a gorgeous, but very expensive pair of jelly flip flops. But, after thinking things over, I just couldn't justify spending that much money on a pair of jellies when that money could go toward buying two pairs of nice shoes for the cost of one. Plus, hubby is our only source of income right now. I'm studying for the bar exam. (*&&^%$#*^%$#) So... who knows, maybe down the line, I'll end up with different shoes (as I am always looking at shoes). But for now, here are my shoes for the DW dinner and beach ceremony. DW reception/some photos: Badgley Mischka DW beach ceremony: DVF flip flops
  9. We're planning on doing the same thing. Legal ceremony, paperwork, license in the states, then the destination wedding, which I consider my real wedding date. Sooo tempted to just get hitched now though! But, the really good things are worth the wait, right? Anyone here do this in California recently? Wondering if I have to do things prior to showing up to the courthouse, or if I can just pop up and do it all on the spot. Thanks, ladies!
  10. Thank you all SO SO SO much for this thread. I tried to look at the other ones on the forum, but this one was the most direct and easy to follow. The instructions are fantastic! Thanks so much!! For some reason, the instructions seemed much more difficult on other threads. lol Yay! Now if only I could find espresso wood instead of metal... Eh, I won't complain! At least it's the color I want! Good luck ladies!
  11. Hmm strange. Could have sworn I posted a pic of my ring. Oh well, here goes again. If you happen upon another post by me, apologies. New to this forum. Here's a pic of my ring. Pink is my favorite color, I'm definitely not the average traditional girl, and he picked it out all by himself! Very proud.
  12. Hi ladies, I'm seriously considering using Sascha as well. I've narrowed it down to two or three possible photographers, with his prices being the most reasonable. I've looked on his website, and do like what I see. But, I was hoping some of you lovely ladies could email me your photos as well. It would mean a lot to me. My future hubby thinks I'm going to go crazy trying to sort this out. Choosing a photographer has been the most stressful decision we're having to make. Everything else was a breeze!! lol If any of you ladies are willing to share, my email is [email protected] Thank you SO much!!!
  13. I know that feeling all too well. Amazing how people can continue to surprise you, no matter how well you think you know them. When I told my dad we wanted a destination wedding, he told me I was being selfish and inconsiderate, and "not thinking about [his] daughter".... he was talking about my sister, his obvious favorite. BUT, future hubby and I are going through with our dream wedding. Because we know we can't please everyone, we won't try to... this day is about us, our love, and our new life. That's really all I care about at the end of the day. Some people say they NEED to have their family and friends there. I say I NEED to be happy with my husband...AND that a good photographer will do the trick!
  14. Mateo y Sol! Congratulations on the new sister company!! I just sent in my questionnaire for del Sol/La Luna today and cannot wait to hear back from you. I am SO happy, thankful, and thrilled that La Luna offers us worry-bug-brides a more affordable photography option without sacrificing our visions, quality, or creativity! Would absolutely love to have LaLuna do the TTD and wedding day! *eagerly anticipating and totally stoked!* Again, CONGRATS!!!
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