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Everything posted by Vettiebean

  1. Thanks, Tenny! I can appreciate some good lining, when I come across it! haha Actually, VS lining is better than some more expensive brands, such as Vitamin A and such.
  2. Hi ladies! Hope I'm posting this correctly! I have a Cheap Caribbean voucher that I have to sell. You would have to book by March 1, but travel is good for whenever. You can go on the website (cheapcaribbean.com) and browse the deals and trip packages. You have to book the hotel through them, but if you want to do your flights separately, that's fine. My cousins and I had to cancel a trip and ended up with a voucher. We initially only booked our hotel stay with them, so the amount of the voucher is only about $840.00 USD. A voucher split between 4 girls isn't getting us very far! So instead, we're trying to sell it and get some money back. We are willing to take the highest offer. If I could just use it for myself, I would! If I had the money and could afford to pay off the girls and use it, I would! Unfortunately, I can't. So, if you're interested, feel free to send me a private message. I will update the thread if/when it's no longer available. Thanks, ladies!!!
  3. You can do it! Four months is good time. For a good cheap find, try Old Navy. Yes, I'm completely serious. I had an appendectomy in July, but had a beach birthday party to attend on the 4th. So, I had to find a last minute one piece that was cute, attractive, flattering, and inexpensive. I tried Old Navy on a whim and lucked out. I got two one-piece swim suits. Very flattering, not too revealing.
  4. Weird. Thought I'd replied already. Anyhow... lol Let's try again. I have about 15 or so suits from VS. Mostly, I have the basic mix match types. I wear XS bottoms, L tops, so it's a lot easier to find suits that fit. Also, their basic suits come in several different colors, so you can have a lot of fun playing with the colors and styles. I have bandeaus, triangles, a few diff bottom styles, and all in multiple colors. The quality is fair, pretty good. Not spectacular, but definitely not cheap and flimsy. I am naturally dark/tanned and I haven't had any problems with see through issues, dry or wet. That's a good sign to me! Definitely catch a sale, make it must easier to justify the purchases and makes it so much more worth it.
  5. I was told by the Miami WC that you had to book directly through the wedding group blocked contract to get the rooms/nights applied to free events. I think using a TA will also work. What won't work, however, is using any external travel site. None of those are applicable. KSmith, the nights booked through memberships also count? I was told that they don't. Interesting... MP seems to have a lot of contradictory rules, not just about this, but regarding everything. Don't even get me started on the photography thing...
  6. This is hilarious. I agree with alllll of those!! Makes so much sense and so funny to read. Thanks for sharing!
  7. Hi SChica! So excited to see your review/post on your site visit! Thank you so much for helping all of us brides out. I will def give guest services a call closer to the date. For now, we're all planning on dressing up anyway. It's going to be our Halloween Joint Bacherlor/Bachelorette Party! hehe And, I already know what my costume is going to be!
  8. Ohhh.... that's not a stupid question at all! I hadn't even thought of that question, but I'd been assuming most of the brides were talking about MP Cancun/Riviera Maya. That's where I'll be. And, I would think pricing does change depending on the resort.
  9. @SChica Thank you for all the info and the inspection form! Can you ask MP if they have special events planned for Halloween? Does anyone else know if there are special events on Halloween? Would be so much fun! I am probably going to ask my guests to bring costumes either way! Impromptu costume contest? Thriller blaring through portable speakers? Suuure, why not?!? SITE_INSPECTION_FORM.doc
  10. AHHHHH!!!! If I hadn't already spent my entire shoe budget (and then some) on those five pairs of shoes, I'd be allll over this! Badgley Mischka shopping spree!!! So many cute sandals and resort/wedge/shoe stuff. Not necessarily all wedding-ish, but def resort/disco and going out stuff. My budget makes me sad! Oh well... saving will be worth it if I can do my TTD, BD, and extend the honeymoon!
  11. Hi ladies!! Just fyi, Bluefly is having a shoe sale! I believe the shoes (a lot are wedding designer's lines) are going for $99.99USD! That's a realllly good deal for most wedding shoes, imo. Take a gander, hope this helps! Here's to some happy weddings (and happy shopping), ladies!!
  12. Couldn't agree more myself!! I've had a few other serious relationships before. Shortly before FI and I met, I went through a horrible break up from a really serious relationship. But the entire time my ex and I were together it never felt as comfortable or as natural as the moment I met FI. I knew instantly we'd be together and something was so different. He was single for 8 years before we met. EIGHT YEARS, WTF?! LOL We did so much traveling, serious frequent flier miles, but it was all so worth it. I picked up, left Chicago, and moved right into his apartment less than five months after we met. Congrats to you guys!
  13. If you ladies aren't in a rush to get bikinis/beach dresses from them right now, I know that a few times a year, they have specials where "the more you spend, the more you save." If you spend ridiculous amounts of money, you actually end up saving a huge amount. I think I saved $150.00 on my order once, albeit, it was a pretty big order... but I have a feeling this apply to a good number of us. lol I seriously have no less than 25 bikinis, and many of them are courtesy of VS!
  14. @Oryx, maybe you could get them for BD photos or your bridals! So far, I absolutely love them! I'm really lucky that I can wear tall heels with FI. But, also lucky that he's not tooooo tall for me. lol after a certain height, the logistics just get difficult. Before FI, I dated someone who was 6'9"! My mister is the perfect height for me. The shoes come in a few different colors, including a really pretty deep burgundy-ish and blue, I believe, along with black, white and silver! Just something to consider.
  15. Exact same problem! I wanted to go to the DR from Cancun, but it's (no joke) like 20 hours each way. And, it was starting to really add up. FI and I want to explore the world together, but seeing as how we have our whole lives ahead of us, that might just have to wait. I am thinking about surprising him with an extra five days in Cancun, but at a different resort from where we're getting married. This way we 1) steer clear of guests and interruption during the honeymoon 2) still sort of get to be in a different place and 3) save a bit of money, stress, and headache bc of the airfare situation. It'll also give us more time to just relax. Hopefully something will change for you, though!
  16. I definitely see both sides to this. I don't think we're going to do OOT bags. If anything, we'd probably use the money toward other special gifts. I do appreciate the time, effort, creativity, and aesthetic pleasure of OOT bags--c'mon, they're friggin cute!!! And, I love all the personalized accents, but I don't know that it's the route we'll take. As a few others have said, I have a feeling that after the trip, the bags will never be used again. I think I'd rather use the funds on a "treat" or something they could reuse easily or an experience. We're planning on having a small wedding. Inviting about 25-30 and probably only half will show up, if even that. The boys are all mostly cigar smokers, so we may look into getting them nice cigars. For the ladies, possibly sarongs and/or personalized flip flops (I'd be making the flip flops and personalized for the guest, not personalized to our wedding). I'm trying to think of nice things that either won't take up too much space or can be purchased in Mexico. I HATE traveling with extra luggage and loathe the extra baggage fees. Who knows, I still have a year to think about all this. Maybe in time, I'll change my mind. But for now, that's my perspective.
  17. Thank you, Courtney and Little Princess!!! lol @ "look on her face would be priceless" We may all be at a trip together in April. Let's see if it comes up then! I have to say, it makes me feel 100 X better that I left the decision to him. It means that much more to me that even after I told him to reconsider, he still stuck to his decision of not inviting her. I like to talk about everything, don't like to keep in any emotions or frustrations, and just feel part of respecting him means respecting his decisions. Glad it all worked out!
  18. Sorry I forgot to reply to your post! I laughed when i read the first line bc I don't think I mentioned her lack of a significant other, but I see you had no problem picking that up yourself. I do think she needs to find her own guy, for sure. I definitely agree that she blames me for their now distanced friendship, but I don't even want it to end necessarily. I just think it needed to change and boundaries needed to be set. I think she congratulated him, then followed it with the line that now she really had to meet "this girl". This girl, me, has a name, btw. lol I love crazies! I have crazy friends, my whole family is nuts! lol, Forget the crazy factor, the focus is if she can keep her feelings and fingers to herself. I am happy with how things worked out. At the end of the day, he chose to leave her off the invite list bc it's what he wanted to do. A decision he made. I'm happy I left it up to him and (admittedly) also happy he is still leaving her off the list. We were able to openly discuss it and leave the option in his hands. Couldn't ask for a better ending to this scenario, i don't think. Oh!! And I just got the shoes in yesterday. I had to chase down the mailman for them lol Very glad I did, I love them so far!! They seem to be a super popular wedding shoe.
  19. We may have everyone beat with the shortest courtship! We met Jan 15, 2010 and were doing LDR until June when I moved from Chicago to LA and right into his apt. We had our own place together by August (four freak incident surgeries on my part later), and got engaged Sept 11 while in Vancouver. Getting married in Nov 2011, a couple months short of two years. You just know... <3 I've been in other long term, serious relationships. But this was entirely different and the most natural experience I've had in my life.
  20. Hey everyone! So, we aren't planning on a lot of people attending. We're going in assuming we'll invite at least twice as many people as will go. So, while we will probably invite about 25-30 people, it'll probably be only about 10 or so actual attendees. I'd honestly be beyond surprised if there's more than that. My mom, her husband, and none of my sisters are going; my dad probably won't. His parents are 50/50. I don't even need/want guests really, I just thought it would be nice for my fiance to invite people bc he has a very tight group of childhood friends. (He'll be best man for the third and fourth time this summer) Anyhow, there wouldn't be a ton of other people consuming my time, if BFF went. She has been described by others as having a loud and overbearing personality that demands attention. And this was a description from her own friends. Anyhow, had a talk with FI about it last night, so here's an update on how things went down. While not verbatim, it's pretty close. Me--Babe... I was looking at your invite list. Why aren't you inviting BFF? Him-- I don't want to. I think it's going to be uncomfortable. Me--for me or for you? Him--well for me. You won't get uncomfortable, you'd just get pissed. Me--how so?.. Well, I just want you to know that if it's important to you that she's there, you can reconsider and invite her. I understand. Him--Well, I don't want her to go and then you want to kill her the whole time. Me--Oh babe... you know I'd only want to kill her if she's acting inappropriately. *Silence as though he can't refute that she will do something to piss me off with her distasteful, unsavory deeds.* Me--Like I said, it's your decision. It's your day, too. I want you to have the option of inviting her, if you want her there. Him--No. I don't want to invite her. I don't want you to get upset at our wedding and honeymoon.... Me--Thanks for thinking about me, babe. I just saw the effort you were putting into this and knew how much you were taking me into consideration, so I wanted to reciprocate. I do appreciate it and it means a lot to me, but just remember it's your decision. Him--ok. done. I'm good. *Insert some kisses and we start watching tv again.* A couple other times later that night, I mentioned again just that I loved how considerate and thoughtful and respectful of my feelings he was being. Makes me feel better to get it all out there and make it clear that it's his decision, and that he's still not inviting her. Alright. Homeboy had his chance. I can't help but still feel as though he'll feel, "well I only didn't invite BFF bc of you." But I threw out the option for him and said I'd only get upset if she is disrespectful. I said he could invite her. If he chooses not to or feels she would do something to piss me off, then by all means, I won't push it. That's for sure! Thanks for al the help on this one, ladies! Hopefully, nothing new develops. But if something does, you bet your tush I'll be back lol
  21. @ Mocha, I agree so much about how everything is some sort of covert spy mission. I had read (I swear I did) that it was noon arrival to count for the first day. Is there anyway you can send me that portion of your contract? I'll grab mine and double check, too. Thank you so much, Mocha!!
  22. For complimentary ceremonies: How strict are they in enforcing the rule about being there three days prior to the ceremony, with the first day counting only if you show up prior to noon? With the flight options currently available, it would take either a miracle or an overly expensive ticket to arrive at the hotel by noon on the first day. And, this includes looking at overnight flights that take off on Thursday to arrive by Friday morning.
  23. Allison, thank you SO much for your info. It definitely helps! Would you happen to know how the views in the Grand are? I've heard they are rather nonexistent, but feel better getting info from other brides here. We're doing a beach wedding, so chapel locations aren't important. We have a young adult group going, and personally, I don't think it'll be a problem to hike back and forth between sections. If anything, it'll help me digest my food and not look so bloated while stuffing my face for four days on all inclusives and unlimited room service before my wedding! hehe How nice is the Sunrise section? Were there ocean views there? Thank all of you ladies for the great info and help.
  24. Okay, maybe you shouldn't eat the Rudy's bbq and creamed corn like I asked. It's DEFINITELY doable! You already look great from what I can see in the pic. So now it's just a matter of us getting our love for food in check and sticking to the work out plans. LOL @ "why are you here?" looks. Have you tried working out in the morning instead of at night? I usually work out in the morning to have it done and over with. Plus, it kinda pumps me up for the rest of the day to have something productive under my belt before 9am. Yoga really helps me. I am barely getting into it, but I've been sore in muscles and places I didn't know existed! And everyone I know swear that it helps give you a nice, toned, svelte look. My other big thing is portion control. I won't lie to myself. I will cut back on my love for butter and deliciously heart-attack inducing foods, but I won't ban them from my diet. Everything in moderation, including moderation. Several (5-6) meals a day, healthy snacks, really cut back on any sodas. I just try to eat the unhealthy things earlier in the day as opposed to late at night, so I have the rest of the day to work it off. i used to eat like a linebacker, but I've trained myself to eat smaller meals. Wasn't easy... started using smaller plates and forks instead of huge dinner plates and dinner forks hahahaha
  25. Diva, first off, my total apologies! I got ahead of myself... CONGRATULATIONS!!! Yay! You guys will survive all of it. lol, funny how similar the stories are. I would love to be back in Austin. LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOVE to be back in Austin. FI's job keeps us firmly planted here for the next couple years, though. Don't fret about his move to ATX and unemployment. If you're going to move anywhere and be unemployed, it's Texas! It's basically the only state with an economy not shot directly to shit and hell. On top of job searches probably being easier, living on one income will only be another temporary change, and it's for the better. It's so you guys can finally be together! When I moved out to LA, I was unemployed, too. HELL! I still am!! I had an appendectomy in July and then some complications. I was sitting in my hospital room at Cedars during the bar exam! lol We've been living off of FI's income. And, while sometimes it gets hard because there are more sacrifices, it's been completely worth it. I made pretty good money for a 3L in Chicago (went to school there), but it wouldn't have done me any good if I were missing him all the time. Cross your fingers I get a good job after February! (FINALLY taking the bar lol) You guys will rock it, just watch! I can't wait to see pics of the DW! PS. Please, go eat some Rudy's bbq and creamed corn with sweet tea for me... Thanks in advance.
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