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Posts posted by mmcst38

  1. Thanks for  the info! I knew that carbs definitely caused spikes and crashes with blood sugar but I thought the whole grains were more stablizing, guess not! I will definitely try this, whole grains early part of day and lean protein vegies at night (sounds soooo boring)

    So then, what about my chocolate issues?lol...its my addiction,

    Originally Posted by richarsd View Post

    Originally Posted by mmcst38 View Post

    so it was my first day on the "I'm going to be healthy again" plan, so far so good, although night is my worst time! I'm a snacker, love sweets and chocolate after a long day!!!!

    If you crave sweets and particularly the night time snacks (me too!), it often means your body is sensitive to dips in insulin levels. One easy way to manage this (and trust me it TOTALLY works) is to make sure you eat every three hours...now obviously your meals will need to be smaller because of this. And cut the carbs at dinner time (I know, like, isn't that normally when we eat the most carbs?) but the reality is our bodies cannot tell the difference between pure sugar and carbs so after eating them you get a spike and then a crash, even with whole grains, so keep them to earlier in the day! cheesy.gif

  2. I was wondering this as well, one of my bridesmaids will have her birthday down there and has always been in love with dolphins, so I was considering the dolphin swim and taking her as her present, has anyone done this? I haven't talked to one person who said they liked going to the falls (unless they went super early for TTD when no one was there), I'm up for anything though

  3. My great grandfather came from Ireland ( to the states) when he was 9, his wife came from Novia Scotia her family was from France, my other Grandparents are Russian and what they always called Johnnybull which I am told is an English Mix (Welsh,English Etc) So I like Most am a Mutt.....My FI is Italian and "Hunky" Hungarian

  4. I am inviting everyone even if they can't make the wedding and of course at the shower will remind them of our party after we return home. I was up in the air about the shower invites until my wise friend pointed out that because we are having a destination wedding teh shwoer is another way to make those who can not make the trip still feeel they were included.

  5. Thanks!


    Originally Posted by DiamondGirl View Post

    Originally Posted by mmcst38 View Post

    Ladies I am officially joining the weightloss support! I ordered my dress in November, I completely quit exercising and ate like crazy over holidays adn got pretty sick and went through two rounds of steriods (no excuse I know) needless to say I gained 10lbs since november and went on Saturday to try my dress on because it came in and it didn't fit! I mean it fit but didn't zip all the way up, about 2 inches leftcrybaby2.gif...I lost 30lbs in the end of 2006 beggingin of 2007 and have maintained it until now agggghhh, so mad at myself, anyway, I need support for sure, I'm sticking with what I did to lose 30lbs in first place,  which is proper nutrition along with portion control and exercise cardio/strength...wish me luck! I'm 5'3, my weight today was 142, my goal is 128, I just want to be under 130 again atually...im scared this is not possible by the last week of march which is my fitting for dress

    You can definitely do it!! Start now and stick with it.

  6. Ladies I am officially joining the weightloss support! I ordered my dress in November, I completely quit exercising and ate like crazy over holidays adn got pretty sick and went through two rounds of steriods (no excuse I know) needless to say I gained 10lbs since november and went on Saturday to try my dress on because it came in and it didn't fit! I mean it fit but didn't zip all the way up, about 2 inches leftcrybaby2.gif...I lost 30lbs in the end of 2006 beggingin of 2007 and have maintained it until now agggghhh, so mad at myself, anyway, I need support for sure, I'm sticking with what I did to lose 30lbs in first place,  which is proper nutrition along with portion control and exercise cardio/strength...wish me luck! I'm 5'3, my weight today was 142, my goal is 128, I just want to be under 130 again atually...im scared this is not possible by the last week of march which is my fitting for dress

  7. It definitely sounds to me that you don't like the idea of a display shower at all, so don't go along wiht it to please her, I'm sure you have sone many things you didn't want to for others weddings/showers...and IMO I definitely would feel uncomfortable doing that.  As far as alcohol goes if its in your church then yes alcohol is out but if you are somewhere else then maybe you cna have on signature drink, maybe soemthing that is from the area your DW is being held..ie mexico..margaritas, jamaica rum punch..etc..that way its not a whole open bar.

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