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Everything posted by rbowman

  1. We stayed at the Melia last spring and it would be a very nice place to bring kids. There was plenty of options of things for kids to do as well as a children's program that the kids could get signed up for during the day.
  2. I was thinking of cutting out the STD as well but my fiance was concerned about the procrastinators of the group not booking and needing a reminder closer to the date...a reminder post card would be a really good solution to that. I also think though that the people who are really important for us to have there ducks in a row and would be all booked long in advance.
  3. I am also thinking about skipping on the STD and just sending out the invites a year early. One concern my fiance is having is if people will get the invite and just stick it up on the fridge and procrastinate booking. Do you think you need the invite closer to the date to act as a reminder to the procrastinators of the world?
  4. Do you have to pay to get a travel agents services or do they get a cut from the hotels/airlines?
  5. Hi everyone....I am offically an LC bride! I will be getting married in April of 2012 so I know that I will spend a lot of hours between now and then reading all your wonderful advice. Thanks for all the great informtion that is already out there.
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