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Everything posted by bryteyedbride

  1. Welcome back lady! I sent you some stuff on your private email a few weeks back but never heard back from you. Maybe it went to your spam. I hope all is well! Our time is getting really short!
  2. I talked to my lady from LOMAS and she said the $800 is for new contracts. It is still $500 for old contracts.
  3. Ditto, thanks for the great pix SChica927. I wish it was in our budget to take a site visit!
  4. I used DJ Doremixx too! I had never used Western Union before, but I went to the grocery store and it cost me 9.99 to send the deposit "next day." They had good reviews, so I feel pretty comfortable with them. They have always responded promptly whenever I emailed them about anything.
  5. I don't think they can do that when we were told up front it is $500 per outside vendor. That must be for new bookings. I already booked an outside DJ. They are going to need to stick with what they said.
  6. I love these pics and the highlights video. We ordered the video package on your recommendation, and I know it was the right choice. Happy New Year to you and the new hubby! I really like these shoes. I think the flower is great!
  7. Hi TLGnhci, My FI and I are flying out of BWI non-stop on AirTran. We got 2 non-stop tickets on 05/25 for a total of $414.90, and then our total price for the 2 non-stop tickets coming back was $432.08. So the grand total was $846.98 just for airfare! I think my parents are on a really early flight out, something like 0600 that same day, it connects in Miami, and they are coming back the same way. I will try to find out how much that one costs. They will actually arrive a couple of hours before us, despite their layover. It's crazy because 3 years ago I went to Dreams Tulum, including airfare for 5 nights for $850. I don't know what is going on with the airfare to Mexico.
  8. My contract was $200 per room, they had 30 days to book their rooms, and anything not booked in that time-frame would have to be paid by me until it was booked. I was not aware of any deadline date of 63 days . With money going all over the place for other wedding-related issues, I was not willing to have $2000 just out there hanging for 10 rooms, so I did 5 rooms for $1000. Hindsight is I should have booked a larger block of rooms, but my wedding was almost 9 months out, and I'm not sure that would have mattered if there was a deadline date for the guests to book. My guests were able to get on a monthly payment plan for up to 6 months. You have enough time before your wedding to really stress to your people that this could happen so that you don't end up in the same situation. Be sure to let them know it is a very real situation! I don't want it to happen to anyone else.
  9. You are absolutely right Tammy. I only booked 5 rooms in my block because I knew my people would drag their feet and I did not want money just hanging out there. I thought with all the warning emails they would book by the 30 day deadline. All 5 rooms in my room block were satisfied, but the others would have had rooms if they would have booked when I urged them, as the resort had rooms. I found nearby resorts tonight and sent the information out to my guests on my blog. Two people have already made reservations at the resorts I listed as alternates, but now they have to pay for a day pass. Some couples may pay for their guests' day pass, but we cannot afford it, so I let them know in the blog if they booked at any of the alternate resorts that they would have to purchase a day pass. New brides please learn from my experience and don't let this happen to you. It really causes unnecessary stress!
  10. My guests are calling me because my weekend is sold out. I only have 16 people booked, plus us. I TOLD them 2 months ago to book their rooms, get on a payment plan if you need too, etc. Now I'm stressed because so many people will not be there. If anyone getting married that weekend has any left over blocked rooms please let me know.
  11. My guests are calling me because my weekend is sold out. I only have 16 people booked, plus us. I TOLD them 2 months ago to book their rooms, get on a payment plan if you need too, etc. Now I'm stressed because so many people will not be there. If anyone getting married that weekend has any left over blocked rooms please let me know.
  12. Hi Ladies, It took me about 2 weeks to read about the last 6 months of posts. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, but happy to be here. My date is 05/28/11! I've been trying to make posts appear...having some technical difficulties.
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