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Everything posted by helen9

  1. we're having our ceremony at 4pm so we can fit in photos before sunset. didn't want to be hot and sticky during the ceremony
  2. i think we'll just do a welcome dinner and then the next day either a group cruise or boys/girls will split up and do golf/spa type things.
  3. im still undecided on this. will wait til closer to the date and decide then. FH will be against it i'm sure
  4. Our travel agent is working this all out for us. I will just need to pop a brochure she will do up with all the info on flights, accomo, price and her details
  5. I think we will be staying together. we're not really traditional people anyway
  6. We're skipping this purely because our guests have already paid lots of money to spend the day with us, i feel guilty if i asked for cash or presents
  7. yes an adults only resort would be a good idea.
  8. I'd send both invites and generally whoever you were closer to will attend and the other will hopefully politely decline
  9. Haven't confirmed yet but i think we're having ours for 4 hours. One hr before the ceremony, one hr for the ceremony, one hour for shoots and the last hour for reception. Not sure if that's enough but guests wil have their camera too
  10. I will be sending boarding pass STD's approx 1 year ahead and the passport invites approx 6 months ahead. Purely because i know our friends are more last minute people and need gentle reminders to move along
  11. DOn't think there is a normal as such. We're just doing a welcome dinner, next day will prob be a girls day at spa with boys at golf or everyone on a cruise together and then the wedding the following day
  12. We're just having a welcome dinner.
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