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Everything posted by Samantha88k

  1. One more question, June11bride, did you have a dance floor set up?
  2. MsClarke724: That is a great idea too!! I'm thinking that with all the OOT goodies I may need to convince each of my parents and a couple bridesmaids to also carry an extra "cheap-o" bag!! I also thought that I could pack some OOT goodies in duffel bags and then squash them (once empty of course) in my actual suitcase for the trip back....also dependent on how heavy I pack it on the way down
  3. I sent you a PM Did you and your new husband stay in MX longer for a honeymoon after your wedding week??
  4. Congratulations!!! Everything looks absolutely fantastic! Do you have a time-line for the ceremony day that you would be willing to share? We will be getting married within a few days of you (but next year) and I'm trying to figure out what a good time-line would be from getting ready to the ceremony to dinner/dancing, etc. Also, did you get your cake through the resort or did you have an outside vendor?
  5. Praye, thats a really good idea! I try to keep myself from thinking about how many suitcases we will have to check :S
  6. Hello ladies, I haven't been back to this thread in awhile and now I realized I have been missing out!!!! I am heading home for the holiday weekend tomorrow and hope to convince my mom and sister to help me do a few DIY projects I have purchased flowers to make my bridesmaid's bouquets but I'm starting to worry about I will transport them already assembled. Have any of you thought about this or are you just getting flowers there?
  7. We are still working on figuring out how far in advance of the actual "wedding weekend" we would like to go. As of now we are planning on going in on May 9th for our May 13th wedding and then staying until the 19th. We are undecided as to whether we plan to move resorts or not...so many choices!!
  8. I have been piling some things up, however I seem to keep convincing myself that I need to purchase all the cute summer dresses/outfits I see because there won't be another "summer" shopping season before May comes! Are any of you ladies planning on staying longer for your honeymoon after your wedding?
  9. For some reason it isn't allowing me to post the picture of my dress but it is an allure gown, style 8634. I am having the ivory sash swapped out for a chocolate brown one!!! Planning is going well, I sent out our STDs exactly a year out and now I'm working on creating the STDs for our AHR. I've also done some shopping for favors, etc but I'm trying not to over-do it knowing that I will have to haul everything down!!
  10. Congratulations MissHoneyBee!!! On another note, I just ordered my dress and and I'm getting sooo excited being less than a year out!!! How is everyone else's planning going?
  11. Eadon216 thanks for the review!!! It sounds like you had a beautiful wedding!! How many total guests did you have?
  12. Sounds exciting!!!! I'm sure everything will be great and I can't wait to hear about it when you return!!
  13. Thanks Brooke!! Sounds like you had a great time!! Becks your wedding is coming up quick, how soon are you leaving?? Can you do 2 10-person reservations for the dinner? I am thinking of doing the same thing without having to pay the extra $20/person.
  14. Mrsvanalphen I would LOVE to see your pictures!! We have booked Photos In Cancun for our wedding next May but I would love to see more of his work!!
  15. Hello ladies!! I am getting married May 13, 2012 (seems to be a popular weekend on this thread so far!!! ) at Hacienda Tres Rios. I made boarding pass STDs which will be going out next month as well!! It is starting to get really exciting knowing that we are a little more than a year out!!!
  16. Congratulations kelly & jd!!!
  17. plantcityhome--I have been to the Cancun/Playa del Carmen area a few times during April and each time it was definitely warm but I would say that depending on the wind it wont be too chilly at night by any means. A late afternoon/early evening ceremony would be just fine.
  18. Hello all! I will be getting married May 13, 2012 at Hacienda Tres Rios. I am sooo glad to see that I'm not crazy for planning to send out our STDs at the end of this April!! Are any of you also sending out STDs for your AHR? Our AHR will be May 26, 2012 and because we are only inviting immediate family to our DW I am thinking of sending STDs for the AHR around the same time as those for the DW because I don't want some people to think they are totally left out when others are receiving the DW STDs...if that makes sense.
  19. 75 would be amazing!!! We are hoping for 30-35 because we tried to limit our guests to immediate family and close friends to keep it "fair" due to the differences in the size of our families. Soooo that means we are having a rather LARGE AHR. Yikes!
  20. Toya--Congratulations!! MoBayBride--Thanks!! We are pretty excited! I visited Hacienda Tres Rios almost 3 years ago with my family but my Fiance has never been, so I'm hoping we can fit in a quick trip this summer or fall so he can fall in love with it like I did years ago!!!
  21. Have any of you ladies done a site visit or plan on doing one?
  22. Hi ladies!! Some how I just came across this thread. My fiance and I are getting married on May 13, 2012 at Hacienda Tres Rios in the Riviera Maya! I am getting really excited but then I try to remind myself I have a little over a year to go still! We haven't set a ceremony time yet but we are thinking 5-530. Our photographer recommended between 530-630 because the sun will be around until about 7pm that time of year. How many people are you ladies expecting will attend you DW?
  23. Congratulations Future Mrs. M!! Are you going to post a review? Or did I completely miss it somewhere? I would love to hear/see what you did with your events, especially the reception!
  24. I just found these awesome bags at one of our local dollar trees (we have 2)!!!! I would suggest that if you need a lot of them to order them online because the store didn't have more that 40 bags total in the assorted colors.
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