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Everything posted by Samantha88k

  1. I'm not sure what your quoted rate is but if you or any other your family members are owners at either H3R or any of the Sunset resorts there are even lower rates. Ours is 120/per person per night, which I think is an awesome deal being that the rate to stay there if a person were to book through their website is closer to 360/per night.
  2. I believe they do. I'm not sure exactly how much the day pass is but I do know that their meal is higher than that of a guest that stays at H3R. I'm not sure what your plated prices were but mine are $20/pp for a 3 course meal etc. and if I were to have guests staying off resort it would go up to $70-80/pp not including the day pass. I hope that helps a little
  3. We are also trying to figure out a way to do this, however we will be at Hacienda Tres Rios in Playa del Carmen. I was told the wireless internet through the resort likely isn't good enough to use on the beach but that there are vendors who provide live streaming of your wedding to the U.S. My fiance is also considering using his iPhone, that seems to be like the best/cheapest option that we have seen so far.
  4. Are any of you ladies writing or bringing your own ceremony scripts?
  5. Thank you soo much! My parents are timeshare owners and we booked our guests through the timeshare company so I'm hoping all of them will be able to take advantage of the transportation to Playa if they'd like. I have been there many times before but I'm hoping to sneak a quick trip to purchase some maracas to use at the reception!! Great idea about the "group" dinner, seems like that would reduce the stress of trying to coordinate everyone! Set a time and let them know where we will be! Did you set up the tours when you arrived or prior to going? And if so do you have special contact info for Juan? I have spoken a few times with Allibe about wanting to arrange golf outings and she keeps mentioning that the concierge will contact me but I haven't heard anything form him yet.
  6. April, now I came up with a few other questions! Did you arrange any excursions for your guests? Also, did you do a "group" breakfast the following morning? I think this is my last one...did you or any of your guests staying at H3R make the trip into Playa? If so, how did it go? Was it easy transport, etc.?
  7. Thank you soo much! I'm a visual person and now I feel so much better about food presentation and the overall look. Also, your pictures are gorgeous!! Makes me soo excited for our wedding!
  8. Sorry to hear that Allibe didn't come through for you. Thats a major bummer, but you tips make me feel a tad better. I am very Type A so I could see myself expecting more than what is possible. I would LOVE to see the pictures of the food!! I have been talking to Allibe a little about cake options but she just told me whatever I want I can have, so it was great to see the actual flavors they let you try! Did you choose those or were those the options they provided? The food pics would be great too seeing as a list of different options can translate so differently to so many different people! Thanks again for the helpful review and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!]] Oh, 1 more thing, where did you purchase your lanterns?
  9. I didn't write anything specifically about the ceremony location on the invites but I am planning to send out a brochure (vistaprint) along with our luggage tags about a month before everyone leaves and in that brochure I mentioned what attire would be appropriate for the actual wedding and reception.
  10. Hi ORBEACHbride, I stayed at Marina El Cid a couple years ago over Christmas and it was awesome! The food was great (especially the mexican buffet), really nice rooms, the cliff jumping at the pool was a BLAST, and the staff was very friendly. My FI and I are getting married at Hacienda Tres Rios but we are switching to Marina El Cid for our honeymoon! When are you getting married?
  11. I am thinking of doing the corsages for our mothers too. I'm also contemplating doing something special for the other mothers who will be with us in Mexico and not their children on mothers day (aunts, family friends).
  12. Hi ladies, I am wondering if any of you who will be at your resorts over Mother's Day (May 13) are planning on doing anything special for the mothers in your groups?
  13. My FI and I booked our tickets in June and my parents just booked theirs this past week for $100 MORE!!! Now I'm starting to worry that the $100 will make people change their minds about coming!
  14. Hi Amy, How was your visit?? How was the tasting? Did you choose of the plated list they provide or did you get to pick whatever you wanted?
  15. Everything looks great so far! Where did you get your bracelet?? Also, it is sooo awesome to see another North Dakota Bride!!!
  16. How exciting!!! I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!
  17. Congratulations, everything looks awesome!!! I absolutely love the characature (spelling) guest book! Where did you get it?
  18. AND I just noticed your from Minnesota! I'm in North Dakota!
  19. Congratulations!! We share a wedding date!!! I'm so glad to see someone else getting married on a Sunday!!!
  20. I really like the part about social networks! I've been trying to think about how to say that as well, especially since our family/friends will return to the U.S. before we do. I'm not exactly thrilled at the idea that I will get home to see all sorts of our posed shots and ceremony photos plastered on Facebook!
  21. Hi Amy, I'm not sure if you heard any more on the bamboo style aisle runner but in speaking with Saku she gave me the option of either a fabric runner or the bamboo runner, which leads me to believe that she does indeed have one now!! Have any of you ladies thought about how you will have your receptions set up? I'm contemplating rectangular tables or round tables, sweetheart table or not...so many choices!
  22. Do you have Alex's contact information? I'm trying to find someone who will be able to do all the hair but not the make-up.
  23. We won't be hiring a videographer but will be having one of my bridesmaid's boyfriend (hopefully her fiance by May!!) record the ceremony/reception because he has his degree in video journalism and works for a news channel so I'm hoping it works out! My only fear is how the sound will be, especially if it ends up being really windy. Are you girls renting the chuppah or gazebo as Luis calls it from Saku as well?
  24. Ohh those darn finals and school breaks! I totally understand, I graduate law school on May 5th and will be leaving for Mexico on the 7th then getting back home only to have our AHR then spend the summer studying for/taking the bar. Its good to know that I'm not the only one trying to squeeze things in! I plan to bring my computer and our photographer will be giving us all of our images before he even leaves the resort the night of our wedding so maybe I can send you a few before you leave!
  25. Congratulations and welcome!!! I am getting married May 13 and our AHR is May 26, it will only be 1 week after we return from MX but 2 weeks after some of our family will return. I agree with Starfish0512, I wanted to have it a little later but schedules wouldn't allow it so I plan to have everything ready to go for the AHR before leaving for MX.
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