I think you should look at the complimentary package and just add on the things you find important to you! YOU CAN'T CHANGE ANYTHING IN THE SAPPHIRE PACKAGE! As far as photographers you have to buy them day passes to get them on the resort. I personally have fallen in love with Del Sol and La Luna...they do journalistic style and have some beautiful slide shows on their website of Moon Palace weddings they have done! I don't know how long you and your guest are staying, but if you have 36 room rights (which is 5 nights per guest) you will receive a free cocktail hour! The people at moon palace sound like they are pretty awesome, and they will do any personal touches you want. Since you have younger kids....maybe you could have them throw some rose pedals after the ceremony....check out flyboynaturals.com they have some frozen pedals for cheap. Also, have you heard about sand ceremonies? You get different color sand, and pour it into a glass vase, or jar or they have picture frame (there lots of stuff out there) could be something cool for you and your kids to do together and have as a keepsake. Just some ideas!