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Everything posted by X-Chan

  1. Hi Everyone! This song came up yesterday on FI's ipod and I thought it'd be awesome if we could have our first dance to a song that has both english and spanish lyrics since FI's family is Cuban and many don't speak a word of english. Paul Anka and Jose Jose - Let me get to know you If anyone knows any others, please share! One of my potential songs is 'Dream a little dream of me' and FI has a spanish version of that song on his ipod too.. I'd love to find one that is half and half though.
  2. wow!! two pocketfold invites! You're hardcore. I looove that your mom made your dress, it turned out beautifully.
  3. That dress is gorgeous!! The dresses on that site do look like knockoffs but I love that they seem to have in-house photo examples of their knockoffs rather than just ripping off the pictures from the original designers. The reviews aren't all positive and are in all different languages so that makes me think it's not a scam.. lots of girls posting their pictures in the dresses too.
  4. I think it's your choice and your FH should be able to get over it if you'd like to keep your last name. As an illustrator, my name is my brand so I'll be keeping my last name, I don't really want to have to start over! Anyways, FI is from Cuba and in his culture, the women don't take on their husbands names so it works out. Everyone there gets two last names, the father's and then the mother's in that order. So following that, our kids would be first name - husband's first last name, my last name. Not sure if we'll follow that since my asian name sounds kind of stupid tacked onto his cuban one, so they'll probably just take his.
  5. congrats! I'm a bc bride too! good luck with your planning
  6. Omg! I found your wedding pics through a google search for yellow and grey weddings. I didn't know you were on this board too! Your wedding was GORGEOUS and is my #1 inspiration for a yellow wedding.. I've shown all my friends and said this is what I WISH my wedding will look like.
  7. I love the sand plate for the place cards. Convenient.. and pretty!
  8. I'm in BC too! Where are you planning to get married?
  9. I picked out my stone. It's a 1.5 carat yellow sapphire. I'm just waiting for the call from the jeweller now to tell me it's ready. Exciiiiited!!
  10. I loooooove the underwater pics. Your dress look so cool in those! Great pics!
  11. I'm not sure where Im getting them yet.. but they'll be lemon yellow in colour.
  12. Varadero, January 2012 Yellow sashes. I'm 99% sure that's what I'll be ordering so if anyone wants to share shoot me a pm
  13. If your nephew's family is still planning on going I think you should just stick to your original plan. If you have to choose between the 3, I find that a lot of times the kid isn't really into the whole thing so maybe just talk to the kids and the parents to see who would like to volunteer. I've been to a few weddings where the parents ended up having to walk the kid down the aisle and presenting the ring or throwing the petals themselves since the kids were too shy! Is there a have the opposite problem.. we don't have any potential flower girls or ring bearers!
  14. Here are my two ideas. I started a thread with a poll to help me decide which to go with but I'm waiting for it to get approved. I thought I'd post here in the meantime. The aqua is my initial idea.. but I've seen been leaning towards a more yellow theme.
  15. Hi everyone! I'm having trouble deciding on my wedding colours.. My initial idea was doing an aqua + green theme with silver which I thought would be perfect for a destination wedding. But my favourite colour is yellow and as I'm looking through wedding stuff now I find myself attracted to all things yellow. I told my FH this idea and he's not really into the yellow.. I just put together these inspiration boards which I'll show him later, but I wanted to get some opinions on this board first to see what all you ladies think. What do you prefer, the beachy aqua+chartreuse theme, or a more modern yellow+grey? Thanks!
  16. We're planning on giving our guests a little mickey of rum ($3-4 in Cuba) and cigars as well as an undecided small wedding favour at the reception so I think I'm going to skip the OOT bags and just provide an extensive travel checklist to make sure everyone brings what they might need.
  17. Oops my last comment was meant to quote this one!
  18. I love your boards! I'm also thinking of grey + something.. still deciding on yellow or teal/turquoise.
  19. Congrats! I'd say Cuba wins in terms of beaches, but Mexico tops it for food and quality. Even if you have all the money in the world, there's a lot of things that will be hard to do/get in Cuba! My wedding is going to be in Cuba and I've been slowly telling all my friends and family. One of the comments I got back was, "Of course I'll come. Good thing it's in Cuba cause to be honest, if you were doing it in Mexico I wouldn't go." o_o
  20. I love love love love this thread! My FI didn't even know what an e-ring was when he said let's get married. He's from Cuba and been to all of 1 wedding, and he doesn't know anyone there with an engagement ring. Wedding bands are expensive enough for them. I didn't say anything, but he's since figured it out from other people's reactions when we told them we were getting married. "Where's the ring???" heehee. So I'm getting one now, and I'm happy I get to pick and choose I got a lot of inspiration from this thread and I've decided on a round yellow sapphire in a diamond halo setting. Going to the jewellers tomorrow to pick out my sapphire.. sooo excited! Can't wait to have it made and share pics on this thread Thanks ladies!
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