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Everything posted by jenandmark

  1. Thanks for the tip! That sounds like an amazing deal!!!
  2. Congrats and good luck with your planning!
  3. Congrats on booking the date and resort! That was def the hardest part!! Now on to the really fun stuff! Good luck!
  4. Congrats! I booked my wedding through a travel agent. She seemed to get responses back from the resorts quicker then I was... We booked in Jamaica though, so I don't know if that would be true for other countries or not... Good luck with your planning!
  5. Congrats and good luck with your planning!
  6. Congrats! I'm Jamaica bound also...can't wait!!!
  7. Fried...even though I try and stay away from it! cook or eat out?
  8. I've been debating on when to send out everything too...great to hear some other ideas!
  9. Buffy the vampire slayer : Alyson Hannigan
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