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Everything posted by jenandmark

  1. Both dresses are gorgeous, but I agree with everyone else, you need to go with whichever one you see yourself in on your big day! (I would vote for #2 though, just bc of the thought of 30lbs in the hot sun....)
  2. I would normally say flower, but with seeing your dress I say go for the tiara!!!
  3. Can you use a colored shirt of some sort with the tan suit? Not sure what your color scheme is...
  4. Pineapple Express : Seth Rogen
  5. What an amazing shot! I bet the couple was thrilled with the end results!!! I know I would of been, good work!
  6. I was wondering about them too... I've seen them, but never tried one on. Not sure if they actually make a difference. Would be nice if they did...always bugs me when my rings move around.
  7. So pretty and elegant....I love the relaxed vibe of the shell themes...so hard to decide on what I will do!
  8. Love Actually : Keira Knightley
  9. Maybe you could put the rings on some ribbon and tie it to the starfish...you know...just in case!
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