I always wonder about this sort of thing!! I was heading out on a roadtrip a few years ago. I live in the suburbs and had to drive into the city to pick up my trip mates. I packed my car, kissed my mom, took a final check of my stuff and headed to the car. I was frantic to get on the road already!! My mom came to the front door and said, "you need to come back here and give me one more kiss!" I was irritated because I wanted to go and she was being sappy :-) It took about 30 seconds for me to run up the walk, smooch her and jump back in the car. Then I was on my way. Driving on the highway, I was in the middle lane. All of a sudden, a hundred yards in front of me, two semi's merged into the center lane, crushing a car between them. It was the craziest thing I've ever seen in my whole life. Thank goodness traffic was light; other drivers and I had enough time to swerve right onto the shoulder and avoid them just in time. I always wondered if my mom just KNEW that I needed to wait 30 seconds before leaving. Good for your FI for doing the right thing and going back to offer help. Random acts of kindness always come around to you in the end :-)