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Everything posted by NA2015

  1. Another MP bride sent me this information, it isn't (2010) current but it gives you a good idea on extras. What's your email? Cheers, Nicole
  2. Yup, your point of contact with any questions is your Miami contact until your Wedding Coordinator contacts you 3 months out. ;o)
  3. The orange with the lanterns are right up my alley! I love it.
  4. Yup! Just bring tons of photos of your hair and your make-up too if you are getting it done as well. )
  5. I am going to have Gerbera Daisies in my colors which are Pink, Orange and Yellow. Super bright and happy.
  6. So many great ideas! I am just thinking of doing something bright and colorful. I am not a seashell kinda person. lol
  7. We are only having the guests for the AHR rsvp because, the more the merrier at our Destination wedding. )
  8. Good idea! I will have my photos and video by than since we are doing it 1 month after we get back. ;o)
  9. From reading tons of other MP brides, I believe they will put your wedding inside in one of the ballrooms. )
  10. I am so sorry this is happening to alot of you brides. ( Customer Service is key and this is the biggest day of our lives. I would definately get an email going of all your guests and send them the room form, explain the situation and maybe put the information on your wedding websites with all the information as well. )
  11. Congrats on the date! I am getting married on August 26, 2011 at Moon Palace. )
  12. I am inviting everyone. I rented out a ballroom at a hotel, just doing horderves(platters) of food, bar and dj for only a few hours. )
  13. SChica927 Can you please email me the photos so I can see them, for some reason they didn't post with your review? Cheers. Nicole
  14. Aholen! I have the options for the Complimentary Package/All Packages that another Bride sent me. Just let me know your email and I will forward. )
  15. Thank you for the input! We are going to have at least 50 guests attend. I am scared to book an outside photographer and they don't show up or something happens and I am out a photographer for my wedding. Yikes.
  16. Hi! I just actually changed my contract from the Amber Collection to the Complimentary because we discovered the same things. Basically they changed the contract to the Complimentray package and wrote in the contract that our first deposit towards the Amber Collection is going to be used as a credit. So it's really easy and you already have a credit for things you actually need or want. ) Cheers, Nicole
  17. I have Janina and she has been great so far. If you are just asking the basic questions and are not in a rush, just email her and she normally emails back within 2-3 days. But if you want an answer quickly, just call her until she picks up and do not leave a message. Janina always has a quick answer and doesn't have to look it up or call you back. ) I also have a group contract and my guests are booking thru our wedding link provided by Moon Palace. It's super easy and even if you don't have the exact amount that you put on the contract to make the free functionsat the end, Janina will just change the number to the actual rooms you booked even if its less than you originally thought (which still means you might get a comp night or cocktail hour for free) so it worth it. )
  18. Thanks for sharing your photos! I am still debating using MP photographers but I hear they are using Smilemarket by Kodak so any upcoming brides, please post your photos. Thanks!
  19. Make sure to post a Review! I can't wait to see how your wedding turns out! ) All the best.
  20. thank you for the wonderful reviews and photos! )
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