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Everything posted by Rainuck

  1. Food at SDML varies greatly depending on your choices. We are getting married there in November and doing both the ceremony and diner at the restaurant. We are just finalizing our menu (both the set menu choices and the custom Banquet menu are extensive) but including open bar with some international liquor we are edging towards $210 per head. Also be aware that they only have gold, brown or orange as standard linens in the restaurant so if you want to coordinate you will have to rent linens and potentially chairs from another source so that can add up too
  2. Hello, I tried searching the forums but didn't see anything pertaining to Cabo...has anyone looked into either DIY or Professional streaming of their wedding? We will have some family that cannot attend for health reasons and thought a live stream would be the perfect way to include them...we just engaged Tammy Wolff as our wedding coordinator and will ask her, but thought I'd post here as well in case someone's investigated. Thanks
  3. We recently looked at Capella as well because we got engaged there in July and were blown away by the hotel setting and service. The deal breaker for us turned out to be the requirement that at least 50% of the guests at the wedding stay at the resort, we just don;t have enough friends that can spend that kind of money on hotel. I didn;t think the meal/bar options were outlandish at all considering the venue, and you can rest assured the service and the food are outstanding...just be sure you have enough guests that can afford the stay
  4. I have found the folks over on the Tripadvisor cabo forum very helpful...they helped me ID a Bar I had been to there simply by describing it was upstairs and across from burger king...they can likely answer for you very quickly
  5. Hello, Congrats to everyone. Just though I'd introduce myself...My name is Jason and I seem to be one of the very few grooms on the site...my finace is finsihing her CGA and working full time, so I've been charged with doing some digging and coming up with some options for our November 2011 Cabo wedding (tentatively the 12th). We are still looking at venues but will likely have a small wedding (under 25 people). We also plan to stay on and honeymoon in cabo for 10 days after the event. Anyway, I look forward to taking to the time to look through all the wonderful information that appears to be on the site...first task is venue and photography (blown away by how expensive good photographers are) but don't want to regret not getting what we want either. and so it begins.... :0)
  6. Congratulations on your wedding. We are looking at getting married in Cabo on the exact same day, though it sounds as though you are far ahead of me in the planning department! We seem to be stuck on venue and photographer at the moment.
  7. Thanks for the responses, Been surfing around and the options are overwhleming. Having a look at Sunset da Mona Lisa as a possible venue, looks gorgeous. Trying to get my head around what photgraphers charge...wow. I really need to dive into this site and mine for information...and perhaps choose a Cabo based coordinator for some help. With the potential cost of photography though I may try to save some there...we'll see
  8. Hello, Just stumbled on this site today and already can't stop reading all the informative posts. We were engaged at Capella Pedregal in late July and are planning a small (likely only 20 people including us) destination wedding in Cabo for November 2011. We were originally planning on having the wedding at Capella Pedregal because it is so small we thought we might be able to fit it into our budget but after a little back and forth with the hotel we've discovered that we have to have at least half our guests staying there to hold the event and we just don't have enough people that can spend that kind of money on a hotel. I'll be paying off our engagement weekend for a while myself. So wondering if people have suggestions for more intimate small venues? I think the Sunset da Mona Lisa looks very nice. Anyway look forward to any help you guys can provide...with my girlfriend in school I'm left to do much of the research and bring her options. So I will need help, haha Do you think I should inquire with a coordinator for such a small wedding or will it be too large a percentage of my budget per head?
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