Just wanted to let everyone know that JCPenney has a great deal on suits right now! I had bad luck with studiosuits.com, so I was extremely happy that I found this great deal at JCP! Best part, no shipping fees and their alterations only cost $6 (if even needed!)! The quality, by far, is a lot better as well! Below is the link to the suits/pants that I purchased. The link below is for the khaki color. If you search the site, they have multiple colors: white, bone, brown, etc. http://www4.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6E.aspx?GrpTyp=ENS&ItemID=1ad8179&DeptID=70673&CatID=71053&SO=0&Ne=4294957900+5+8+1031+29+3+10+1066+15+12+18+904+833+949&NOffset=2&shopperType=G&N=4294950691&Nao=0&PSO=0&cmAMS_T=XGN3&cmAMS_C=MERCHA&cmAMS_Z=XGN3TOPOFRESULTS&CmCatId=70673|71053&mscssid=627da1d9e34cf4604b910f4f8f826e7b7xMnVNoVza3WxMnVNoVza3o200B661AF89F7276A9B4B2A2A05A2E7CF0131108813