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Everything posted by jess619

  1. So I was talking to my MOH and we were talking about Welcome bags!!! and I thought why not ... So Question if you were going to a family/friends wedding Las Vegas in December What would you like to see your welcome bag?
  2. SO after a few talks I finally got my way!!! And we are going to get married At the Chapel of Flowers on December the 12rh 2012 . So I was wondering if any has been had there wedding there and is planning to get married there , too?
  3. I just wanted a reception with our family and friends that are going to be there , thats all I am consider about ! Where doesn't matter... !! HE is the picky one on this!! GROOM-ZILLLLAA!! but thanks for the advice .. I have some time off working coming up total search day . So I can get this plan rolling!! Thanks again!
  4. Okay So after I did all the work and got a nice number and a found a place I love ...the lovely MAN!! said ugh I rather do it at a casino and stay on the strip .. I was going through the little chapel and had a customized package with ceremony and reception and a 2night 3 day stay at the Hilton in a honeymoon suite for 25 people and now... I need help!! Casino ( ON THE STRIP) that do packages with a stay there ? any ideas? thanks!!
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