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Everything posted by bride5656

  1. Noemi, I am with you on this confusion girl lol Have no idea why would they send all these emails and would tell other photographers that they won't be allowed and then write this on they Facebook...:/ Maybe loads of brides have complained and they decided to keep things just as they used to be before...?! Anyway girls as long as we all have written email from our WC's that we going to have HDC on our big day, - it is all good )) Noemi thank you so much for posting picture of carriage, wow it does look awesome!!! Already emailed picture to FI, so will try to convince him tonight that it is worth booking lol ;D I am sure he wont be able to resist my charm lol :D Dana, you have very little to go before you will be on your way to your best holiday ever!!! sooo excited for you hon and try not to worry too much, just relax and know that no matter what you will have the best time ever!!! ) xoxo
  2. LatinBlond )) Congrats on becoming MRS!!! :Dxo And on putting together such a great event in such a limited time, you must be crazy organised lol Really cant wait for the review!!!! ) xoxo
  3. Wow girl it looks fantastic thanks for sharing, it inspired me to do DIY for my wedding too ))xoxo
  4. Oh i love your tags will have to tap into my creative side lol (which i really hope that i have lol ) and try making something similar! xoxo
  5. Wow these look sooo cute!!! well done ) and your logo looks amazing too!!! if you still have raw files of your logo would appreciate soooo much if you could pm me and i would send you my email ) again great job girls you are super talented! xoxo
  6. Wow they look fantastic, you are great at DIY , wish i would be able to do it too lol xoxo
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