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Everything posted by muitoquerida

  1. Congrats! im getting married at dreams in feb. time flies....
  2. Here are my DIY invites... I ordered the starfish off of ebay.
  3. they come packaged in a tin, box or clear bag! I think i like the tin better or the box....
  4. I'm thinking about ordering these for my wedding and putting them in favor boxes. They are so cute <3 My friend got them done for Valentines day. What do you girls think? www.mymms.com
  5. i finished them! YEY I used an xacto knife to cut around the circle and then added gold sparkles!
  6. ok thanks girls!! ill show him lots of pics. send him to his email everyday lol just joking! He was so funny! He's like yoooouuuu want to go in the water with your wedding dress. The one I spent $2000 on? umm..... yes i really do. The pictures are so amazing and it's not like i'm ever going to wear it again.
  7. I made my DIY Do not disturb signs for mexico using this office template: http://office.microsoft.com/en-ca/ctndirectdownload.aspx?AssetID=TC102004426&Application=WD&Version=12&Result=2 I 'borrowed" another bride's wording on this website... many thanks. = ) DO NOT DISTURB POR FAVOR NO MOLESTAR I partied all night @ Shem & Jessica's Wedding
  8. email me [email protected] How much do you want for it? I live in Vancouver, B.C postal code V6C6J4
  9. thanks maybe ill just push him into the water. lol!!! could u imagine
  10. how did you girls bring the ttd up with your fi??? my fi thinks im crazy now lol. How can i convince him
  11. getting to 150 posts takes forever!
  12. i would be so embarrased if my fiance proposed at somebody elses wedding! id be like shhhhh! lol
  13. i was gonna go with ub40 but i fi isn't feeling it. def don't want to song to go on for more than 3 minutes.
  14. so hard picking a song! my bf is into reggae and im into brazilian music. oh boy!
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