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Everything posted by muitoquerida

  1. hey guys thinking about ordering maracas and stuff from http://www.cancunweddingfavors.com and have them deliver to wedding coordinator at dreams.
  2. Hey Sarah Order extra ones because they all vary in sizes from oriental trading. good luck on your search
  3. Brandy which seller? i need a pair of flipflops actually i dont really but u know..... hahhaaa
  4. Hahhaa thanks! they were a christmas gift from my mom.... I can't stop peaking in the box hhahaaa.
  5. why do people take maracas to mexico? i dont get it? they are so cheap there. lol
  6. It doesn't work that way in Vancouver. You can't get married at City Hall.
  7. I have no idea! You can ask her to come to your hotel room and do it?
  8. Hi Little Princess! My friends mom is a wedding commissioner. Her name is Gaylene Shapka 7789685842 and her email [email protected]. She lives in Coquitlam. 30 minutes away from Vancouver. You can ask her if she can provide 2 witnesses?
  9. I also had my ceremony done by Ann Moore. It was really lovely. We got our marriage license at London Drugs where my hubby asked if there is a return policy lol. The marriage license expires in 3 months. After I arranged a marriage Ceremony with Ann at her house. Her ceremony script is one of the most romantic scripts i have ever heard. Truly touching. We paid $100 plus tip. She said we could bring champagne to celebrate after but we were heading to the gym and it was at 11am. She did a really amazing job! Which i could take her with me to Mexico.
  10. I paid $2.00 each per envelope. I got big envelopes at the dollar store.
  11. I went to the clinique at every mall and asked for samples! I just said that im putting a bunch of stuff together for my bridesmaids and was wondering if I could get some samples. they were all really nice.
  12. you should try tantalizer by lorac! soooo amazing. i mix it with another moisturizer so its not so dark. you can get a sample from sephora.
  13. lol natalie! if you look closely at the invitation there is a netting type of material. If you go to the carpet section at ikea they come in plastic bags.
  14. Hey Nat, I bought the starfish on ebay but they are cheaper on orientaltrading.com. I got the ribbon and invitations from micheals. I went to ikea and bought the stuff that you put under carpets so you dont slip and i stuck that to a piece of gold cardstock paper, also from micheals. I then stuck the Micheals Invites on it. I found huge beige and black envelopes from a local dollar store. Took me 3 or 4 days to make 60 of them with the help of my bridesmaids = )
  15. I went to Mac and got my makeup trial for the wedding! the makeup artist was a sweetheart and drew up all the steps and products for me. I had to purchase $50 in products. I want to go back and do more trials. hahaa This is really helpful to bring with me to Mexico and give the spa at the hotel and idea of what i want.
  16. Dreams Cancun - Hello Friends and Family Welcome Letter - I copied the hotel picture and made it my background. Here is my file. Dear Family and Friends.docx
  17. Whats inside the bags: -I got the havainas flipflops, starbucks via coffee (putting 2 in each bag), victoria secret lipgloss and i got a bunch of samples from clinique and the makeup counters at the bay.
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