5. OOT bags These were not exactly support by FH. I don't think he quite understood why I was doing them. He didn't discourage me, he didn't really help either. At the resort, everyone was raving about what a great idea they were, and how helpful some of the items had been. He graciously gave me credit, and apologized for doubting the awesome. He's a keeper. Here was the final result. I pared them back a bit, and tried to only include things I thought would be useful. Having been at an all inclusive before- I wasn't sure if snacks were really needed - as there was always food. Plus mini bar in the room for late night cravings. Wet Bathing Suit Bag - FH and his buddy got clever, and filled it up with ice, and put a few beers from the mini fridge in our room in them. Saved them going to the bar. Koozie - When I was ordering my bags.mugs and lanyards from Oriental trading, I happened upon these for $0.99 a dozen. I figured I couldn't go wrong. I wouldn't have paid any more for them, I saw a couple people using them, most used the mugs though. Customized travel mugs - more information here, post #12. Aloe Vera from Avon Calgon Coconut body lotion from the Dollar Store! Playing cards, I put one of our stickers on them (Michaels, I got some for $0.45, and the rest for $0.75, great place for cards with fun patterns) Sewing kit from Michaels Hand sanitzer from BBW (after Christmas and clearance, $0.50 each) Two personalized lip balms, one vanilla (extras for sale) and one SPF. I mostly used the SPF from avon, I ran out at the end and bought a couple packages of Blistex. Lens cleaners with alcohol. $1 for a pack of 20 at the dollar store. I bought 3 packages and divyed them up. Kleenex - I have allergies, so very handy on the beach when they acted up! Seashell Bottle opener - more of a typical favor, and hopefully something they can use at home Hibiscus tote back from Oriental trading. The bright colourful bags were great, you could always see where our group or someone from the group was sitting. Green badge holder with lanyard. Everyone LOVED these. The best idea ever, since bathing suits almost never have pockets. Badge holders in action! Sampling of travel mugs Bag and travel mug in action